Weight-Loss Audio


Need help to lose weight or to have a healthy lifestyle? Will Power not helping much?


It’s is not about will power. It’s about imagination and emotion, Will power is located in your conscious mind and this part of your mind has no control over behavior change.  Want to create a new habit; lose weight or a healthier lifestyle? This task belongs to your Subconscious mind.  The language of this mind is imagination and emotion. This audio will ignite your imagination and empower your enthusiasm and motivation. Key emotions for change!

This audio has been designed to reinforce your progress in Self-Hypnosis and to help you manifest your goals.  I created this audio for my weight-loss class. It will help you to reprogram your subconscious mind to the new patterns, beliefs and behaviors that you want for your life.  It is designed to be used during the day or night as you fall asleep.