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Why Should YOU Choose Hypnosis

Have you ever wanted to change a behavior, belief, mind program or wanted to accomplish a goal, or overcome some fear and no matter how much effort or will power used, the old behavior, thought pattern, program and or fear remains?  There is a simple reason for why this happens.  It is in the difference between the ways our conscious and subconscious minds create and process change.  Interested in learning why hypnosis is so effective in creating change?  Perfect, let continue.

Our thoughts and will power originates from our conscious mind.  Your conscious mind makes up just 10% of your brain power. 

*See the iceberg picture below.  Notice that thoughts and will power are controlled by your conscious mind. 

However, habits and beliefs are in the subconscious mind which makes up a whopping 90% of your brain power. Understand now why thoughts and will power have failed you in the past. They, alone, are no match for the sub conscious mind. Thoughts and will power are a great start; they are not, however, strong enough to create lasting change in the sub conscious mind.  Good news though.  The subconscious can be easily changed with the right methods.

Habits, beliefs, programs and fears how do we change them?   Hypnosis is the key.  You see, these beliefs, programs and habits have been formed since birth and reinforced throughout your life.  They are incredibly strong Nero pathways in your mind like an eight lane interstate.  Lucky thing though that the sub conscious can be changed, fairly easily, by applying certain language, Power Language, directly into the subconscious mind.  How you ask?  Hypnosis!

What is so special about hypnosis?  In the hypnotic trance, the conscious mind is put into a ‘Pause’ mode.  It is not functioning, thinking, working.  This allows for the hypnotist to place suggestions, ‘power language’ into the subconscious mind that illicit change of one habit, belief, program to another of your choosing.  Change can happen very quickly. 

What is this Power language exactly?  Power Language of the subconscious mind is imagination and emotion. That is the language of the subconscious mind.   When you see yourself with the new change and experience the new change with emotion…. The sub conscious then begins to believe the change is possible and then works to create the new change. Then, through work on your part, you will continue to feed the wanted new behavior and stop feeding the unwanted old behavior. The new behavior grows and flourishes into the 8 lane interstate and the old behavior slowly returns to dust.

Now that you understand a little more about how thoughts-habits-change happens within the mind and how hypnosis is used to create change, are you ready to change? Are you struggling to make a change happen in your life and need some help?  Perhaps, it is time to try hypnosis.

Give me a call to schedule your free 20 min consultation or use the form below to contact me.   In those 20 mins, I will be able to give you a plan for your new change and you will know if I am the right hypnotherapist to work with you.


Breaking Day Hypnotherapy


Art of Mind & Wine: An Evening of Reiki & Wine

Art of Mind: An evening of Reiki and Wine at Timshel Vineyard with Breaking Day Hypnotherapy

I will be at the Timshel Vineyard Tasting Room for an Art of Mind: An evening of Reiki & Wine. We will talk about Reiki energy healing paired with a flight of 5 wines. This energy work is used for relaxation and healing for the mind, body and spirit. Reiki lifts your energy vibration creating balance, relief and healing!

I will be discussing what Reiki and energy healing is and how it will benefit your life.  You will also have an opportunity to experience Reiki and feel its amazing power.

I am a certified Reiki Master and teacher and a certified hypnotherapist who received his hypnotherapy certification from Hypnosis Motivation Institute, an accredited hypnosis college.

My passion is to empower others to find and unlock their own healer and personal power.  Once this power is unleashed, a life of intention and balance in mind /body/spirit can unfold.  I believe in the power Reiki infused hypnosis during my session work to enable clients to connect intuitively and heal holistically

Join us for an evening of Reiki and Wine

Bring an open mind and your crystals to this unique event Wednesday, August 31st from 6:00-7:30pm.

Call for any questions or further details about this event. Timshel Vineyards 805-286-4311

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My 3 Benefits of Mindfulness

3 Benefits to Mindfulness

Here are the three things that I benefit from a mindful practice and they are not listed in any order of importance.

1, Reduction of Stress and Anxiety- I feel myself entering the fret-land and I take a breath* and then go to my breath awareness** in mindfulness

*(The breath I take is a deep belly breath breathing into my core and continuing until my chest rises completely.  This is a full breath)

**(Breath awareness is a type of mindful breathing meditation moment where I am just aware of my breathing. No changing or casting judgment, just awareness)  See my mindful breathing meditation audio here for more information.

2. Mental Clarity- being in a mindful moment brings clarity and creativity.

While being mindful, it is nearly impossible to be feeling anxious or stressed. So your body is now producing feel good hormones like dopamine and serotonin.

You are feeling good, calm and happy.  When you are in this state your mind is receiving good oxygen flow and it is now clear and creative. A clear and creative mindset is the best state to see the problem as it really is and to determine a calm and constructive path out.  Which lead to the 3rd and final benefit I receive from mindfulness.

3. Peace and Balance- when I have that feeling that I am just overwhelmed or torn in too many directions, mindfulness just brings me peace and balance. 

Mindfulness allows me to face the silent stress and anxiousness that ride under my awareness.  In the past, I would let them ride, afraid to face them. Now, I face them and see them for what they are False Evidence Appearing Real (FEAR).  After I face them, they mostly disappear. The ones still remaining are dealt with most effectively using clarity and creativity.  That’s Mindfulness.  What can I say; mindfulness has allowed me to become addicted to feeling peaceful and balanced.

Want more information on how to deal with stress and anxiety? See my blog: “5 Steps to Stop the ‘What Ifs’ and Increase your Power and Peace”

You might also like my audio “Mindful Breathing Meditation”. It is a guided meditation to the mindful breathing meditation I use to remain or restore a state of mindfulness.

Please share this blog and information with anyone you feel could benefit. Call or contact me for a free 20min consultation to answer any of your questions and to determine if hypnotherapy is right for you. I see clients in-person, by zoom and by phone. Call (805) 242-1649 or use the CONTACT ME form at the bottom of the post.

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