This is an introductory class to learn the basics of hypnosis, the hypnosis induction, the art of creating trance. The class will cover a brief history of hypnosis, what hypnosis is and isn’t and it benefits. Then the fun begins. You will learn how to hypnotize yourself and others. The emphasis of the class will be learning different methods of creating trance. There will be ample time to learn and practice. By the end of the 2 hour class you will be confident in your ability to hypnotize anyone and you will have fun doing it. You will receive a manual of the hypnosis induction scripts. I want to emphasize, this is not a hypnosis certification class.
*This class is being hosted by Paso Robles City Recreation. You must register on their website. You can use the link below.
Here are the three things that I benefit from a mindful practice and they are not listed in any order of importance.
1, Reduction of Stress and Anxiety- I feel myself entering the fret-land and I take a breath* and then go to my breath awareness** in mindfulness
*(The breath I take is a deep belly breath breathing into my core and continuing until my chest rises completely. This is a full breath)
**(Breath awareness is a type of mindful breathing meditation moment where I am just aware of my breathing. No changing or casting judgment, just awareness) See my mindful breathing meditation audio here for more information.
2. Mental Clarity- being in a mindful moment brings clarity and creativity.
While being mindful, it is nearly impossible to be feeling anxious or stressed. So your body is now producing feel good hormones like dopamine and serotonin.
You are feeling good, calm and happy. When you are in this state your mind is receiving good oxygen flow and it is now clear and creative. A clear and creative mindset is the best state to see the problem as it really is and to determine a calm and constructive path out. Which lead to the 3rd and final benefit I receive from mindfulness.
3. Peace and Balance- when I have that feeling that I am just overwhelmed or torn in too many directions, mindfulness just brings me peace and balance.
Mindfulness allows me to face the silent stress and anxiousness that ride under my awareness. In the past, I would let them ride, afraid to face them. Now, I face them and see them for what they are False Evidence Appearing Real (FEAR). After I face them, they mostly disappear. The ones still remaining are dealt with most effectively using clarity and creativity. That’s Mindfulness. What can I say; mindfulness has allowed me to become addicted to feeling peaceful and balanced.
Want more information on how to deal with stress and anxiety? See my blog: “5 Steps to Stop the ‘What Ifs’ and Increase your Power and Peace”
Please share this blog and information with anyone you feel could benefit. Call or contact me for a free 20min consultation to answer any of your questions and to determine if hypnotherapy is right for you. I see clients in-person, by zoom and by phone. Call (805) 242-1649 or use the CONTACT ME form at the bottom of the post.
We have been told and taught that procrastination is bad. You have most likely heard these famous quotes, ‘Never put off till tomorrow what can be done today’. ‘You may delay but time will not’ and on and on
Here is one for us procrastinators: ‘Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time’ and ‘you can’t just turn on creativity like a faucet’.
Now you might be interested to know that there are two types of procrastination, Active and Passive. I sense your surprise. Would you like to learn more?
Active Procrastination is delaying working on the task while mentally mulling it over in your mind. You have a task or project you need to work on maybe it daunting or difficult. It’s on the daily list but you put it off; however, not completely. You are mentally working on it. Allowing yourself time to sleep on it and think on it. This is Active Procrastination
Passive Procrastination is not acting or thinking on it and you find yourself wasting time instead of working on the task.
Active Procrastination is good and Passive Procrastination is bad
I will tell you that I find myself in both camps and until I began researching this, I thought all procrastination was bad. I, now, know the truth and so do you. I found this knowledge gave me relief and comfort to be me. To solve problems and complete tasks my way. I can be an active procrastinator and that is OKAY.
Here are some examples of good procrastination:
Sometimes procrastinating on a task really identifies if it is important to you. IF it is really important to you, you would be you be all over it, getting it done, right? Sure you would. But if it isn’t really important then let’s just sit on it and see what happens. Take a day or two to assess the energy of the idea or task…let it marinate so to speak. In the mean time, think about how it can be accomplished or even improved upon. Speaking on improving the task….
Active Procrastination can allow you to become more creative
I really love using active procrastination for this and it has helped me to be more effective. I love to think about and use creative sleep to form ideas and strategies to complete a daunting task. It is amazing how creative the mind can be when we allow a difficult task to restfully sit for a day or two.
Now you have made time and space to create new strategies and ideas to complete the task easier. This leads to better decisions and successful completions.
So these are a few reasons why active procrastination is good, you might have a few of your own.
So what do we do about the bad procrastination?
If you find yourself on the couch looking at Social Media instead of working on the task, say HI!
Yup that is me when I am struggling with bad procrastination; sitting on the couch scrolling through Instagram. This would be a sign of bad procrastination. Funny thing is, I am not aware that I am procrastinating. Being aware of the procrastination action is very important to develop self-awareness.
First, to recognize the procrastination behavior and secondly, why? What is it about THIS task that so distasteful or fearful? I find that most bad procrastination is fear based. There is something about the task that scares you. The fear can be so subtle and familiar, it goes without recognition.
Is it a fear of being judged? I am not sure I can do this well so, if I mess it up, I will be embarrassed. Solution, do some research on the task and make a decision. Can I do this or should I ask for help. Often at first glance, tasks seem harder than they really are. After a little research, on, YouTube, for example, you will learn if the task is in your skill set or not. Now you have the information needed to make a decision. And it is off the list.
Or the project is HUGE OMG, I need a month off to complete this task.
Is the task just to overwhelming to even think about? And there I am scrolling on the couch. The solution is to just break it down into smaller bites. Sounds easy doesn’t it? NO! I used to say no too. Now I ask myself, “what small thing could I do today that would help with this task”. I like mind maps.
Mind Maps are relaxing, Just Saying…
An example of Mind Map: Last Christmas, Teri (my wife) tells me every bedroom will be occupied with kids and their spouses and a grandchild, so we need to get the house in order. I found this to be Overwhelming. This project had a lot of moving parts with closets being cleared and stuff needing to be taken to good will and garage needing to be organized to handle more stuff being moved from bedrooms and on and on. It was a nightmare. So I took a day and created a mind map. I don’t work well with lists. I broke everything down into little tasks with dates. And it all got done. Just having the mind map gave me relief. I wasn’t overwhelmed anymore. Instead, I was excited and focused to complete each task and cross it off. By the way, at the top of the plan, I wrote “The Kuhns Family Christmas”. Some will get the reference. Haha. Yes, Christmas Vacation is one of my favorite Christmas movies.
In closing, there you have it, The Good and Bad of Procrastination. If there was an Ugly of Procrastination, it would be to continue scrolling on the couch. Instead use this information, face the issue and make a decision. Self awareness is all you need to decide if it is Active Good or Passive bad.
Happy Active Procrastinating
Is hypnotherapy right for you? call or text me for a free 20 min consultation. (805) 242-1649 or use the CONTACT ME form at the bottom of the post