Advanced Reiki 2 Training Class


You have already received your Reiki 1 certification and now you want to deepen your spiritual connection and healing energy with Reiki 2 symbols and attunement.  This class is for you.

Reiki 2 Certification Class (zoom event)


Ready to take your Reiki energy to the next level? Our Reiki 2 class offers advanced training and advanced techniques, empowering you to perform distant healing and use powerful Reiki symbols for enhanced energy flow. Perfect for dedicated practitioners ready to expand their abilities, who wish to deepen their spiritual connection and growth and more.

Here are some of the topics covered in the class:

  • Ethics
  • Deeping Spiritual-intuitive connection
  • Reiki 2 symbols- there meaning and use
  • Distant healing
  • Symbol meditations
  • Psychic etheric surgery
  • Reiki crystal grid
  • Reiki symbol goal manifestation
  • Professional Reiki 2 practitioner sessions
  • Practice remote/distance healing
  • Reiki 2 attunement and certification.
  • Manual and Certificate provided