Achieve Weight Loss Goals with Group Hypnotherapy Part 1

Achieve your weight loss goals successfully using your subconscious mind with excitement and motivation.

Have you tried to lose weight and failed? It’s not about will power! This class will help you reveal the beliefs you have about weight loss, whether they are conscious or hidden. You will learn how to be successful by working with the subconscious mind to create change, excitement and motivation.

Please Note: This is the registration page for Part 1 of a two-part group workshop to put you firmly on your goal to your desired weight and body image. After completing this class, if you would like, you may register for Part 2 which happens during two sessions on Wednesday, April 26 and Wednesday, May 10th. The Part 1 group workshop is a pre-requisite for Part 2 group workshop.

To Enroll use the link here or the website link below:

*The first class (Part 1) will be an introduction in affirmations, self-hypnosis and self-discovery into your limiting beliefs.

This is a special saving workshop. This first class includes one group hypnosis session at 50% off a normal hypnosis session fee. Each class will include a group hypnosis session. Classes also include individualized training to uncover and release negative thoughts and limiting beliefs. Learn how to empower, motivate and excite your body image goals and much more.


$5 discount for active military or veterans. Must register in person at the Centennial Park registration desk to receive this discount. Desk hours are Monday-Thursday from noon-5 p.m.

$5 additional family member discount (must register at the same time to receive the discount).

Please wear comfortable clothes.

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How a Vacation Changed My Life

Kaanapali Maui 2022

To be on vacation is wonderful isn’t it? Some vacations have been so busy that there was not enough time to really savor the experience.  Just sleep, eat and go. Sleep, eat and go and when we return, we are exhausted. Then there are others where there is a restful balance.  My last vacation gave me time for perspective on what is a healthy balanced life. 

This last vacation in Maui was wonderful. What’s not to like about Maui, right?  We had a balcony condo with a beautiful view of the beach.  The beach was no more than two hundred feet from our balcony.  We could hear the surf through the walls. We spent the morning having coffee and breakfast watching the surf. During the day we would either be active with excursions on the island or relaxing on the balcony or by the pool. Maui Life is so peaceful and relaxing. It was a perfect balance between activity and rest. I didn’t want the vacation to end. I just wanted to remain in this peaceful state forever. 

View of the beach from the balcony

Hawaii life

I awoke one morning and wondered what it would be like to live and work in Hawaii. Who wouldn’t want this life forever, right?  As I continued to wonder about life in Hawaii, I realized that the commitment of work and life would soon lead to the same lifestyle I have right here at home. 

I live in a beautiful area of the central coast of California. You could even call it paradise. I believe the city of Paso Robles put that on a billboard once. Here I am, living in paradise, the coast not more than 30 min away and I take for granted the beauty around me and I work work work. The beach is right there and yet I barely visit it two times a year. Wouldn’t I fall into the same habit even living in Maui. I fear so.  I mean It isn’t the place as much as it is my values and beliefs. 

Healthly Balanced Life

For example, our tour guide to the ‘Road to Hana’ is a native of Hawaii and he told us the Hawaii culture that is still taught today is a healthy work balance. Work yes and take time for yourself, family and community. It is taught to them. We, with our western mindset, might call their work ethic leisurely or lazy.  Is it? 

Time Out

As stress and anxiety and its chronic disease associates become the norm In America, we should be calling ‘time out’ at the top of our lungs. Rather than be critical of taking time for yourselves, we should embrace it. 

The week we spent in Maui was heavenly. We practiced a good balance between activities and rest.  There were a couple days of activities and days to just rest.

Healthy life should also be about a balance between activities and rest. Take time for self care, family and community. 

So many times, I feel I should go visit the beach and I don’t. I feel guilty taking time out for myself. There is always so much to do and not enough time. Right? 

Why do we’ as an American culture’ feel guilty about taking time for self care? What if I went to the beach to just zen, to regain perspective, to balance and reconnect with myself and nature?  Then I think, with so much to do, aren’t I being selfish? What would others think? Aren’t we just a little too worried about what ‘others think’?  I know I am just a little more than I should.   

Little Steps to Change

I do know that moving forward from our western work ethic to a more healthy life balance of work and rest could be a big step.  I also know that change works best and is longer lasting by creating an intention to change and then taking small steps.  Take a small step, be consistent with this change and when it becomes natural, take another small step. Continue moving forward one small step at a time.   

To this end, I have started a daily morning routine of meditation and journaling. When the beach calls me, I will schedule a visit as soon as I can.   I am worth it and so are you!

What small step could you commit to this week? Let me know in the comments

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Why Should YOU Choose Hypnosis

Have you ever wanted to change a behavior, belief, mind program or wanted to accomplish a goal, or overcome some fear and no matter how much effort or will power used, the old behavior, thought pattern, program and or fear remains?  There is a simple reason for why this happens.  It is in the difference between the ways our conscious and subconscious minds create and process change.  Interested in learning why hypnosis is so effective in creating change?  Perfect, let continue.

Our thoughts and will power originates from our conscious mind.  Your conscious mind makes up just 10% of your brain power. 

*See the iceberg picture below.  Notice that thoughts and will power are controlled by your conscious mind. 

However, habits and beliefs are in the subconscious mind which makes up a whopping 90% of your brain power. Understand now why thoughts and will power have failed you in the past. They, alone, are no match for the sub conscious mind. Thoughts and will power are a great start; they are not, however, strong enough to create lasting change in the sub conscious mind.  Good news though.  The subconscious can be easily changed with the right methods.

Habits, beliefs, programs and fears how do we change them?   Hypnosis is the key.  You see, these beliefs, programs and habits have been formed since birth and reinforced throughout your life.  They are incredibly strong Nero pathways in your mind like an eight lane interstate.  Lucky thing though that the sub conscious can be changed, fairly easily, by applying certain language, Power Language, directly into the subconscious mind.  How you ask?  Hypnosis!

What is so special about hypnosis?  In the hypnotic trance, the conscious mind is put into a ‘Pause’ mode.  It is not functioning, thinking, working.  This allows for the hypnotist to place suggestions, ‘power language’ into the subconscious mind that illicit change of one habit, belief, program to another of your choosing.  Change can happen very quickly. 

What is this Power language exactly?  Power Language of the subconscious mind is imagination and emotion. That is the language of the subconscious mind.   When you see yourself with the new change and experience the new change with emotion…. The sub conscious then begins to believe the change is possible and then works to create the new change. Then, through work on your part, you will continue to feed the wanted new behavior and stop feeding the unwanted old behavior. The new behavior grows and flourishes into the 8 lane interstate and the old behavior slowly returns to dust.

Now that you understand a little more about how thoughts-habits-change happens within the mind and how hypnosis is used to create change, are you ready to change? Are you struggling to make a change happen in your life and need some help?  Perhaps, it is time to try hypnosis.

Give me a call to schedule your free 20 min consultation or use the form below to contact me.   In those 20 mins, I will be able to give you a plan for your new change and you will know if I am the right hypnotherapist to work with you.


Breaking Day Hypnotherapy
