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Embracing Peace and Confidence: 3 Actionable Steps to Beat Worry and Stress

Life is a journey filled with joy and challenges. 3 actionable steps to beat worry and stress and embrace peace and confidence
Life is a journey filled with joy and challenges. 3 actionable steps to beat worry and stress and embrace peace and confidence
Life is a journey filled with joy and challenges. 3 actionable steps to beat worry and stress and embrace peace and confidence

 Life is a journey filled with both joys and challenges. Along the way, we often encounter worry and stress, which can disrupt our peace of mind and confidence. As an experienced certified hypnotherapist and Reiki master, I’ve witnessed the transformative power of simple yet effective techniques that can help you turn your daily worries into a lifestyle of peace and confidence. In this blog, I’ll share three actionable steps that will guide you on this path to a more harmonious and empowered life.

Step 1: Cultivate Mindfulness and Present-Moment Awareness

The first step towards breaking free from worry and stress is cultivating mindful awareness. Mindfulness allows you to be present in the moment, observing your thoughts and emotions without judgment. This practice helps you detach from the constant mental chatter that fuels anxiety and stress.

Actionable Techniques: a. Mindful Breathing: Take a few minutes each day to focus on your breath. Close your eyes, inhale deeply through your nose, and exhale slowly through your nose or mouth. Pay attention to the sensation of the breath entering and leaving your body. Whenever your mind wanders, gently bring your focus back to your breath without any frustration; just bring it back to your breathing awareness

“Mindfulness if my favorite ‘go to’ meditation to induce peace and relaxation”

b. Body Scan: Set aside time for a body scan meditation. Starting from your toes and moving upwards, direct your attention to each part of your body. Notice any tension or discomfort and allow it to release as you continue to breathe deeply. I was amazed at how much tension I carried in my body without my conscious awareness. Becoming more aware of your body’s tension and releasing it… is powerfully calming.

c. Gratitude Journal:  Gratitude is a powerful and highly vibrational emotion.  It also contributes to releasing good calming hormones that contribute to relaxation and healing. Keep a journal by your bedside and write down three things you are grateful for each night. This simple practice shifts your focus from worries to positive aspects of your life, fostering a sense of peace and contentment.

“Affirmations are powerful when you have the right equation for success”

Step 2: Visualize Your Success with Positive Powerful Self-Talk

Our thoughts have a powerful impact on our emotions and behaviors. What we think we believe and then become. Think about that as you listen to your self-talk. To replace negative self-talk and worries with peace and confidence, consider consciously shifting your internal dialogue.  When you are aware of negative self-talk, stop the thought and immediately change it to something you want. One way is through affirmations.

Actionable Techniques: a. Affirmations: Create positive affirmations that counteract your specific worries and doubts. For example, if you often worry about making mistakes, repeat affirmations like “I am learning to become calm, confident and in control of my actions and reactions” or “I learn from my experiences and grow stronger each day.” 

For more information on affirmations, check out my free ebook: “Affirmation Equation for Success”

b. Future Self Visualization or Self-Hypnosis: These are identical.  Imagine/picture/pretend/experience your ideal self, free from worry and filled with confidence. See yourself handling challenges gracefully and embracing peace. Then allow yourself to wonder what that would feel like. Ask yourself, if this experience had an emotion, what would it be? Then allow that emotion to fully develop.

Extra bonus is during this experience, introduce your affirmation; Thus creating a package of imagery, emotion and affirmation.   Visualization and emotion reinforces positive beliefs and aligns your subconscious mind with your desired reality. Adding the affirmations connects it all together. When you, now, recite your affirmation, the imagery and emotion are present.

c. Hypnotherapy: Consider seeking the assistance of a professional hypnotherapist. Hypnotherapy can help you access the deeper layers of your mind and instill positive suggestions, empowering you to break free from worry and embrace confidence.

Interested talking more about a hypnotherapy session? Click here to contact me for your free 20 min consultation call.

Step 3: Establishing Healthy Habits

Creating a lifestyle of peace and confidence requires consistent effort and dedication. Introduce healthy habits into your daily routine to support your journey towards a stress-free life.

Actionable Techniques: a. Regular Exercise: Engage in physical activities that you enjoy. Exercise releases endorphins, the “feel-good” hormones, which reduce stress and promote a sense of well-being. Depending on your fitness, you could join a gym or enjoy a walk or working in your garden or yard.

b. Mindful Nutrition: Pay attention to your diet and aim to eat nourishing foods. Avoid excessive caffeine and sugar intake, as they can exacerbate feelings of anxiety. Love yourself with the foods you eat.

c. Setting Boundaries: Learn to say no when necessary and prioritize self-care. Establishing healthy boundaries in your personal and professional life helps you manage stress effectively.


Breaking free from daily worry and stress is possible with consistent effort and a willingness to embrace positive change. By cultivating mindful awareness, shifting negative self-talk, and establishing healthy habits, you can transform your life into one characterized by peace and confidence. Remember that change takes time, so be patient and compassionate with yourself throughout this transformative journey. Start small, stay committed, and watch as your worries melt away, replaced by an empowered and serene version of yourself

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Art Kuhns Certified Hypnotherapist/ Hypnosis Instructor and Reiki Master/Teacher

Hi, let me share a bit about myself. Around 13 years ago, I discovered the incredible potential of the mind, body and spirit. I was introduced to Reiki, a powerful energy healing system. My initial experience with hypnosis occurred when I was sitting in an office chair, casually leaning against the wall with the intent of removing a lifelong fear.  In this 20 minute session my lifelong fear, panic really, of floating on my back in a pool disappeared. In one session, my fear was gone.

That led me to become certified in hypnotherapy through HMI (Hypnosis Motivation Institute) an accredited college of hypnotherapy. Now, as a Reiki master and hypnotherapist,  I am excited to offer Reiki infused hypnotherapy for your ultimate success.

I am dedicated to empowering my clients by assisting them in uncovering and harnessing their innate healing abilities. By tapping into this source of power, they can lead a purposeful, mindful, and harmonious life. Through the powerful combination of Reiki and hypnosis, my clients are able to establish an intuitive connection and experience holistic healing.

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How a Vacation Changed My Life

Kaanapali Maui 2022

To be on vacation is wonderful isn’t it? Some vacations have been so busy that there was not enough time to really savor the experience.  Just sleep, eat and go. Sleep, eat and go and when we return, we are exhausted. Then there are others where there is a restful balance.  My last vacation gave me time for perspective on what is a healthy balanced life. 

This last vacation in Maui was wonderful. What’s not to like about Maui, right?  We had a balcony condo with a beautiful view of the beach.  The beach was no more than two hundred feet from our balcony.  We could hear the surf through the walls. We spent the morning having coffee and breakfast watching the surf. During the day we would either be active with excursions on the island or relaxing on the balcony or by the pool. Maui Life is so peaceful and relaxing. It was a perfect balance between activity and rest. I didn’t want the vacation to end. I just wanted to remain in this peaceful state forever. 

View of the beach from the balcony

Hawaii life

I awoke one morning and wondered what it would be like to live and work in Hawaii. Who wouldn’t want this life forever, right?  As I continued to wonder about life in Hawaii, I realized that the commitment of work and life would soon lead to the same lifestyle I have right here at home. 

I live in a beautiful area of the central coast of California. You could even call it paradise. I believe the city of Paso Robles put that on a billboard once. Here I am, living in paradise, the coast not more than 30 min away and I take for granted the beauty around me and I work work work. The beach is right there and yet I barely visit it two times a year. Wouldn’t I fall into the same habit even living in Maui. I fear so.  I mean It isn’t the place as much as it is my values and beliefs. 

Healthly Balanced Life

For example, our tour guide to the ‘Road to Hana’ is a native of Hawaii and he told us the Hawaii culture that is still taught today is a healthy work balance. Work yes and take time for yourself, family and community. It is taught to them. We, with our western mindset, might call their work ethic leisurely or lazy.  Is it? 

Time Out

As stress and anxiety and its chronic disease associates become the norm In America, we should be calling ‘time out’ at the top of our lungs. Rather than be critical of taking time for yourselves, we should embrace it. 

The week we spent in Maui was heavenly. We practiced a good balance between activities and rest.  There were a couple days of activities and days to just rest.

Healthy life should also be about a balance between activities and rest. Take time for self care, family and community. 

So many times, I feel I should go visit the beach and I don’t. I feel guilty taking time out for myself. There is always so much to do and not enough time. Right? 

Why do we’ as an American culture’ feel guilty about taking time for self care? What if I went to the beach to just zen, to regain perspective, to balance and reconnect with myself and nature?  Then I think, with so much to do, aren’t I being selfish? What would others think? Aren’t we just a little too worried about what ‘others think’?  I know I am just a little more than I should.   

Little Steps to Change

I do know that moving forward from our western work ethic to a more healthy life balance of work and rest could be a big step.  I also know that change works best and is longer lasting by creating an intention to change and then taking small steps.  Take a small step, be consistent with this change and when it becomes natural, take another small step. Continue moving forward one small step at a time.   

To this end, I have started a daily morning routine of meditation and journaling. When the beach calls me, I will schedule a visit as soon as I can.   I am worth it and so are you!

What small step could you commit to this week? Let me know in the comments

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My 3 Benefits of Mindfulness

3 Benefits to Mindfulness

Here are the three things that I benefit from a mindful practice and they are not listed in any order of importance.

1, Reduction of Stress and Anxiety- I feel myself entering the fret-land and I take a breath* and then go to my breath awareness** in mindfulness

*(The breath I take is a deep belly breath breathing into my core and continuing until my chest rises completely.  This is a full breath)

**(Breath awareness is a type of mindful breathing meditation moment where I am just aware of my breathing. No changing or casting judgment, just awareness)  See my mindful breathing meditation audio here for more information.

2. Mental Clarity- being in a mindful moment brings clarity and creativity.

While being mindful, it is nearly impossible to be feeling anxious or stressed. So your body is now producing feel good hormones like dopamine and serotonin.

You are feeling good, calm and happy.  When you are in this state your mind is receiving good oxygen flow and it is now clear and creative. A clear and creative mindset is the best state to see the problem as it really is and to determine a calm and constructive path out.  Which lead to the 3rd and final benefit I receive from mindfulness.

3. Peace and Balance- when I have that feeling that I am just overwhelmed or torn in too many directions, mindfulness just brings me peace and balance. 

Mindfulness allows me to face the silent stress and anxiousness that ride under my awareness.  In the past, I would let them ride, afraid to face them. Now, I face them and see them for what they are False Evidence Appearing Real (FEAR).  After I face them, they mostly disappear. The ones still remaining are dealt with most effectively using clarity and creativity.  That’s Mindfulness.  What can I say; mindfulness has allowed me to become addicted to feeling peaceful and balanced.

Want more information on how to deal with stress and anxiety? See my blog: “5 Steps to Stop the ‘What Ifs’ and Increase your Power and Peace”

You might also like my audio “Mindful Breathing Meditation”. It is a guided meditation to the mindful breathing meditation I use to remain or restore a state of mindfulness.

Please share this blog and information with anyone you feel could benefit. Call or contact me for a free 20min consultation to answer any of your questions and to determine if hypnotherapy is right for you. I see clients in-person, by zoom and by phone. Call (805) 242-1649 or use the CONTACT ME form at the bottom of the post.

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