Workshop- Mindfulness & Hypnosis: Holistic Path to Wellness & Peace

Discover the magic of hypnosis & mindfulness & explore the synergy between stress management, mindful living, & your inner healer to create wellness

Discover the magic of mindfulness and the profound influence of your subconscious mind in this transformative workshop. Join me, on April 24, 2024 at 6pm, to explore the synergy between stress management, mindful living, and harnessing your inner healer.

This class is in collaboration with Paso Robles Recreation.  Please use the “learn more” button at the bottom of this page to learn more and register.  Cost is $35

By attending, you’ll gain insights and skills including:

  • Learning how to be fully present, let go of stress, and enhance your overall well-being through mindfulness practices.
  • How to Harness the incredible potential of your subconscious mind and learn to tap into its natural healing abilities.
  • Tapping into the power of hypnosis to reprogram your subconscious mind and unleash its potential for health and vitality.

Join us on this extraordinary journey of self-discovery and empowerment, as you unlock the key to a life filled with calm, vitality, and holistic wellbeing. Your path to wellness begins here. 

To learn more and register your seat please use this link to Paso Robles Recreations Services: 600 Nickerson Road:

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3 Steps to Unleash Your Subconscious Power for Ultimate Goal Success

3 Steps to Unleash Your powerful Subconscious for Ultimate Goal Success

Have you ever wondered why you do the things you do, think the way you think, or react in certain ways to life’s challenges? The answer lies within your subconscious mind, a powerful ally waiting to be harnessed for your personal growth and transformation. In this blog, we’ll dig into the concept of the subconscious mind and its influence on your behavior, beliefs, and perceptions. You will learn a few easy steps to harness this hidden power to your own profound success, happiness, and fulfillment in your life.

The Subconscious Mind: Your Powerful Ally

Your subconscious mind is like the silent partner in your life’s journey. It operates beneath the surface, quietly influencing your thoughts, actions, and decisions, often without you even realizing it. Unlike your conscious mind, which is rational and analytical, your subconscious mind is emotional and intuitive. Its language is imagination and emotion. It’s the part of your mind where your beliefs, memories, habits, and desires reside.

Transforming Behavior, Shaping Beliefs, and Igniting Powerful Beliefs

The subconscious mind plays an important role in shaping who you are. It stores your past experiences, both positive and negative, and uses them as a reference for your current actions and reactions. For example, if you had a traumatic experience as a child, your subconscious mind may still hold onto the fear associated with that event, causing you to react strongly to similar situations as an adult. 

‘Can you believe it…we all journey through our adult life based on the beliefs and perceptions created upon us when we were children’ 

Moreover, your subconscious mind houses your core beliefs about yourself and the world. These beliefs, often formed during childhood, can be limiting or empowering. If you believe you’re not good enough or that success is beyond your reach, these deep-seated beliefs will become self-fulfilling prophecies, holding you back, actually sabotaging you, from your true potential.

Your perceptions is your reality 

Your subconscious mind also filters your perceptions of reality. It selects, from all the information available,only what reinforces your beliefs and perspectives and shields all the others. If your beliefs and perspectives of yourself are less than positive, this will create a feedback loop that keeps you stuck in certain patterns of thought and behavior. 

Not to fear:there is a solution

Unleash Your Hidden Potential: A 3-Step Journey to Empowerment

Now, here’s the exciting part: your subconscious mind is a treasure trunk full of untapped potential. Once you understand how it works and learn to communicate with it, you can reshape your thoughts, beliefs, and actions to align with your deepest desires and goals.

Step 1: Mindfulness Meditation – to move yourself into a calm space where you can become present to your subconscious mind. Mindfulness is easy, let me explain. Allow yourself to be in a safe and comfortable place. Then begin to become aware of your breath. Whatever that awareness brings to you. It could be your breathing rhythm, or the air moving through your nose or the muscles flexing…doesn’t matter what it is as long as your awareness is on your breathing. If your mind wonders, and it most likely will, bring it back to your breathing. That’s it…wasn’t that easy?…. Now that you are relaxed…

Step 2: Visualize your goal or desire. While you are in this relaxed state, see you being, succeeding, living your desired life, whatever that is.  Watch it as if it is on a screen in front of you and you are in the audience. What does it look like? What do you hear? What does it feel like? What emotions are present? Tap into the emotions. Let them grow and develop.  Allow the scene to play out in front of you. As you are doing this you are imprinting upon your subconscious mind…..CHANGE. You are letting your subconscious mind know this is what you want…Expect… actually. Remember, this is the language of the subconscious mind.  You are communicating with your powerful ally.  

Step 3: Affirmations -help reprogram the subconscious mind by flooding it with positive messages and images that counteract your negative beliefs. Sometimes I have an affirmation that I have chosen for my goal or desire. Other times, I create it when I am visualizing my goal or desire during mindful meditation. The affirmation is born out of the negative belief that pops up during my visualization of the goal or desire.

For example, quick side story:

I was preparing for an exam and was following the steps above. While I was in mindful meditation, I was watching the exam in my mind. It was a skills presentation exam, not written. As I was watching the exam, suddenly the exam proctor began being rude and intimidating.

Boom, this was the hidden resistence, the subconconsious limitation I have been fighting. It just popped out as I was imaging the exam.

Using my Questions to counter the fears

I began to counter all the emotions and fears with questions like: what is the worst thing that could happen if I fail? This exam is like a presentation isn’t it? I have been trained to handle unruly people during presentations haven’t I? What could I say to myself to counter these negative thoughts?

Let go and have fun

This affirmation immediately appeared in my mind. ‘Let go and have fun’ I knew that if I could let go of the results ie. passing or failing and I could just have fun, I would remain relaxed allowing my mind to stay clear, focused and creative.

I used this affirmation during the exam prep and throughout the exam.  The result….I passed.  This is how powerful this process can be. (read the whole story here: )

If there are any negative pre-programs that exist, they will appear during this time and you can eliminate them easily with affirmations that you create on the spot, just as I did with the example above. .  That is what makes these 3 steps so powerful.  

Your Road to Your Ultimate Success

Understanding and harnessing the power of your subconscious mind is a journey, not a destination. It requires patience, practice, and a commitment to self-discovery. But the rewards are immeasurable. Practice these 3 steps daily and repeat the affirmation(s) as much as you can throughout your day.  Constant reinforcement will create the change you desire.

By reprogramming limiting beliefs, releasing emotional baggage, and aligning your subconscious mind with your conscious goals, you can achieve profound personal transformation. Success, happiness, and fulfillment become not just possibilities but your new reality.

Your subconscious mind is your greatest ally. Embrace its potential with these 3 Steps, and watch as it helps you unlock the life you’ve always dreamed of living.

Want to experience the power of hypnotherapy in your life?

If you would like more information about hypnotherapy and its power to work in your life, reach out to me for a quick consultation call.  805-242-1649

Ready to get started now, call me to schedule your appointment-805-242-1649

You can use the form below to contact me as well

Hi, so just a little about me.  I became a Reiki Master/Teacher about 12 years ago when I stumbled on the power of the mind and hypnosis. My first encounter with hypnosis was in an office chair as I was leaning against the wall. It lasted only 20min and my intent was to remove a knee jerk panic reaction to floating on my back in a pool.  It worked. I went from hanging on to the edge of the pool, panicked every time my feet left the pool floor to swimming on my back. 50 years of fear gone in one 20 min hypnosis session.  I had to learn hypnosis and add it to my existing Reiki practice.  Does hypnosis work? Absolutely, without a doubt!

I am a certified Hypnotherapist from Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI) an accredited Hypnosis College in California

My roots being in energy healing, I know that true healing is holistic. The healing must be Mind/Emotion, Body and Spiritual to be complete. My motto became, “Reiki Infused Hypnotherapy for your Ultimate Success”

I look for ways to empower my clients, to find and unlock their own inner healer. Once this power is found and unleashed, a life of intention, awareness and harmony can unfold.  Reiki infused hypnosis enables the client to connect intuitively and heal holistically.

Mindfulness: Stop the Constant Thoughts and Sleep Better Workshop – Jun 28 at Centennial Park Paso Robles

Trouble falling asleep because the thoughts won’t stop? Are you waking in the night and cannot get back to sleep? Want a better night sleep?

Trouble falling asleep because the thoughts won’t stop? Are you waking in the night and cannot get back to sleep? Want a better night sleep?
Trouble falling asleep because the thoughts won’t stop? Are you waking in the night and cannot get back to sleep? Want a better night sleep?

Trouble falling asleep because the thoughts won’t stop? Are you waking in the night and cannot get back to sleep?  Want a better night sleep?

 What if you found out that there are powerfully effective simple steps and techniques that are easy to learn and practice that can help you fall asleep faster and have a more restful night’s sleep?

You can learn to control your thoughts and relax your mind and body to fall asleep and stay asleep. You can awaken in the morning feeling alert and happy with energy to take on the day. Wouldn’t that feel great?

Give your mind and body the sleep it needs to remain strong and healthy by applying these easy techniques. These same techniques you will learn to help you sleep, can be used to help reduce your daily stress and anxiety as well.

By the evenings end you will have several different techniques to prepare you for a successful night sleep.

A free audio mp3 is also included.

Topics covered in the workshop: 

  • Why your mind races at night before sleep and how to give it permission to shut down
  • Techniques to redirect the mind for sleep 
  • Techniques to prepare the mind and body for sleep

Some of the techniques that will be taught, Mindfulness for an awesome night sleep, breathwork, progressive muscle relaxation and autogenics and much more.

Power Journaling is offered for a $35 registration fee with handouts included.

Advance registration for this workshop is strongly recommended. To register online visit or register in person at the Centennial Park Registration Desk Monday through Thursday from 12 pm to 5 pm.  For more information, contact instructor Art Kuhns at (805) 242-1649 or Paso Robles Recreation Services at (805) 237-3988.

Please use this link or the one below to register for the workshop

This class is presented in partnership with Paso Robles Recreation Services.