Mindfulness: Unlock the Power of your Subconscious Mind

What if you could use mindfulness to unlock your own potential and the power of your subconscious mind to increase your health and happiness
What if you could use mindfulness to unlock your own potential and the power of your subconscious mind to increase your health and happiness
What if you could use mindfulness to unlock your own potential and the power of your subconscious mind to increase your health and happiness

5 Steps to have the life of your dreams

What if you could use mindfulness to unlock your own potential to increase your happiness, health and prosperity with just your mind. You can. There are no limits

Want to wake up happy filled with joy and expectation? Done. Want to learn to reduce chronic pain and enjoy a more active life? Perhaps you would like to reduce your daily stress and anxiety and have more peace and confidence?

What do you desire? All of this and more is available to you once you learn to unlock the secret power of your subconscious mind.

During this class you will learn and experience the 5-step process to unlock the power of your mind and create the life you want.

Some of the topics covered: 

  • The different languages of the conscious and subconscious mind and why that is important
  • The proper use of affirmations to create belief and change
  • The practice of mindfulness and how to use it to gain your ultimate success in any goal including health, happiness and stress reduction.
  • When and how to use these techniques to unlock your own powerful potential.

Unlock your Subconscious Mind  is offered for a $35 registration fee with handouts included.

This class is presented in partnership with Paso Robles Recreation Services.

Advance registration for this workshop is strongly recommended. To register online visit prcity.com/recreation or register in person at the Centennial Park Registration Desk Monday through Thursday from 12 pm to 5 pm.  For more information, contact instructor Art Kuhns at (805) 242-1649 or Paso Robles Recreation Services at (805) 237-3988.

Use this link or the one below to register:



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You are the Creator of your Life!

You are the creator of your life

You are a powerful creator of your life.  Did you know that? Do you know that your thoughts produce an energy field around you and that energy field attracts onto itself other energy like it. For example, when I worry about something happening and all the worst case scenarios that go along with those worry thoughts, those scenarios or something like it will appear in my life. I am actually creating what I fear into my life.  How crazy is that!  So the question to ask yourself is: ‘what are you thinking’? Really the  more accurate question is: ‘what life are you creating for yourself with your worry thoughts? If you are happy with your life now, no worries. If you are not and you are ready for a change, keep reading

I wasn’t happy with what was happening in my life. I thought, what would happen if I began to apply this information in my life?  I thought, let’s begin to  apply this knowledge in the area  of my past anxiety. It was a game changer for me.  I slowly began stopping my worrisome thoughts about what might happen and began thinking about what I wanted to happen. Not only did the bad thing not happen, my anxiety and stress dropped way down and I felt happier and surprisingly more confident.

Now, I didn’t make this change overnight and it took some time to make this a habit. As I began to become more and more aware of my ‘what if’ and worrisome thoughts, I began changing them more and more and you know what I found? I found that my positive thoughts began to happen more. 

Could the energy people be right? Do we really have the power to create and control our lives? 

Or is this just a coincidence?  

The more I applied the changed thinking into my life the more it began to come true. I was becoming the creator of my life.  I didn’t have to be the victim of my life anymore.  

WOW! My anxiety…GONE!  

Yes, Gone. That is why I have ‘past anxiety’ now.  I remain calm and confident in my life now. When those anxious thoughts appear now…..I stop them and I ask myself, what do I want instead?  Then I imagine that happening and I experience the feeling or emotion as if the event has already happened just as I imagined it.   By keeping my mind on what I want and that experience, I remain calm and confident. The anxiety disappears. 

So how do you do this? How does one become the creator of one’s life? 

Self Hypnosis!  Self hypnosis is the process of applying a focused thought while in a relaxed state of mind.  This simple process raises your vibration (energy field) and at the same time you are focused on what you want and how it makes you feel.  This combination of imagination and emotion is the key. What is emotion but vibration and energy? So, really bring into the experience as much emotion as you can. It really isn’t hard when you begin thinking about how wonderful the experience would be and having what you are imagining right now in the moment.

Self hypnosis isn’t just not for anxiety.

No Self Hypnosis works for everything.  It will work for goals, chronic pain control, weight loss, quit smoking, sleeping better and anything. Self hypnosis will work on any behavior you want to increase or decrease or change. Some of the  processes may change depending on the issue and end result but the core of self hypnosis, imagination and emotion, is always there.  

 So what do you have to lose? You could continue to think about those worrisome and what if thoughts or you could stop them and create the life you want instead. 

In light,

Art Kuhns

PS: You might like an audio recording to help you with the process of relaxing and using your imagination with emotion.  I have the perfect audio recording here

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Art is Certified in Hypnotherapy, Hypnosis Instructor & Reiki Master / Teacher

I look for ways to empower my clients, to find and unlock their own inner healer. Once this power is found and unleashed, a life of intention, awareness and harmony can unfold.  Reiki infused hypnosis enables the client to connect intuitively for their Ultimate Success. I am members of two associations:

The International Certification Board for Clinical Hypnotherapists (ICBCH) and International Hypnosis Federation (HFI)

The Power of Journaling

Journaling is a powerful tool to clear limiting beliefs and achieve success

The Power of Journaling: a path to a healthier and happier you. Journaling is a powerful tool to clear limiting beliefs and achieve success

What if you knew a way to explore and understand yourself more, a way to discover limiting beliefs and blocks holding you back, a way to a clearer and happier you? Would you try it?      Journaling is that way.

It is an amazingly powerful tool to do all that and so much more. Studies have shown journaling increases your mental health and wellbeing. A journal practice takes only a few minutes 3 to 5 times a week; a small price for your health and happiness. We will explore several different journaling styles and their benefits. Bring a journal or notebook to class.

To Enroll, use this link or the website link below:
