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3 Steps: Worry Less & Live With Confidence

3 Steps to Worry Less and Live Confidently

Life is a journey, filled with moments of joy and, at times, challenges that can leave us feeling overwhelmed. Worry and stress often sneak in, stealing our peace of mind and shaking our confidence. But here’s the good news—you can turn those daily worries into a lifestyle of calm and empowerment. I know. I used to be controlled by high general anxiety. Now, I use practical easy techniques that restore my peace, my confidence and my control in any situation.  

You’re not alone on this journey. If you ever feel stuck or want guidance, I’m here to help. Let’s walk this path together. 


Breaking free from daily worry and stress is possible with consistent effort and a willingness to embrace positive change. By cultivating mindful awareness, shifting negative self-talk, and establishing healthy habits, you can transform your life into one characterized by peace and confidence. Remember that change takes time, so be patient and compassionate with yourself throughout this transformative journey. Start small, stay committed, and watch as your worries melt away, replaced by an empowered and serene version of yourself

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Art Kuhns Certified Hypnotherapist/ Hypnosis Instructor and Reiki Master/Teacher

Hi, let me share a bit about myself. Around 13 years ago, I discovered the incredible potential of the mind, body and spirit. I was introduced to Reiki, a powerful energy healing system. My initial experience with hypnosis occurred when I was sitting in an office chair, casually leaning against the wall with the intent of removing a lifelong fear.  In this 20 minute session my lifelong fear, panic really, of floating on my back in a pool disappeared. In one session, my fear was gone.

That led me to become certified in hypnotherapy through HMI (Hypnosis Motivation Institute) an accredited college of hypnotherapy. Now, as a Reiki master and hypnotherapist,  I am excited to offer Reiki infused hypnotherapy for your ultimate success.

I am dedicated to empowering my clients by assisting them in uncovering and harnessing their innate healing abilities. By tapping into this source of power, they can lead a purposeful, mindful, and harmonious life. Through the powerful combination of Reiki and hypnosis, my clients are able to establish an intuitive connection and experience holistic healing.

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Is Hypnotherapy in-person better? Why Not?

Hypnosis Online or In-person

Most people are surprised to learn that I perform hypnosis ‘online’ with my clients. Which is better? Great question. They both feel amazing. However, Which would you choose? I bet most of us would pick ‘in-person’. Ask yourself, why? 

A few years ago, if I were to ask myself that same question, I would say ‘in-person’ as well. As I think about how I felt then, I really cannot explain why. It could be that it is just the way I have experienced receiving help in my life. It is what I am familiar with. 

Would you be surprised to know that both ‘in-person’ and ‘online’ hypnosis or hypnotherapy produce the same results and perhaps ‘online’ is even better? Isn’t it funny how we can create limits on ourselves and others? Wow, now that is a deep topic for another blog. Let’s look at hypnosis for today. 

Here is the reality of it, are you ready?

You are coming to see me ‘in-person’.  We have already conducted the intake and you are ready for the hypnosis session.  You are in my session room sitting in the recliner with headphones on relaxing deeper and deeper to the sound of my voice.  I am doing what I do to help you create the change you want and you are feeling relaxed and comfortable. When the session is over you continue on with your day feeling great.

Now let’s take the same experience online with zoom. What would that look like?

We are meeting on zoom and have conducted the intake.  I now ask you to go someplace relaxing, perhaps your couch, recliner or your bed.  You relax and feel safe in your own home, in a quiet place.  You place earbuds or headphones on and you begin to relax to the sound of my voice deeper and deeper.  I continue with what I do to create the change you want and you are feeling relaxed and comfortable. When the session is over, you continue on with your day feeling great.

Did you notice any major changes?  I didn’t and neither do the clients I see on zoom.  If anything, you would be more relaxed knowing you are in the safe space of your own home. During ‘Covid’, I was able to help people to deal with their stress and anxiety in the safety of their own homes.  I have seen many clients on zoom all over the US and each has had the same awesome results as the clients I see ‘in-person’.  

So which is better? 

It is up to the client and their belief. As for the technique, it is the same.   

So, now are you excited to experience hypnosis online for yourself?

When you are ready, contact me for a free 20 min consultation to determine if hypnosis is right for you. 

Call me at (805) 242-1649 or use the CONTACT Art form below.

Hi, I am a Certified Hypnotherapist / Hypnosis Instructor and a Reiki Master Teacher

My roots being in energy healing, I know that true healing is holistic. The healing must be Mind/Emotion, Body and Spiritual to be complete. My motto became, “Reiki Infused Hypnotherapy for your Ultimate Success”

I look for ways to empower my clients, to find and unlock their own inner healer. Once this power is found and unleashed, a life of intention, awareness and harmony can unfold.  Reiki infused hypnosis enables the client to connect intuitively and heal holistically.

I am a member of two associations: The International Certification Board for Clinical Hypnotherapists (ICBCH) and International Hypnosis Federation (HFI)

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You are the Creator of your Life!

You are the creator of your life

You are a powerful creator of your life.  Did you know that? Do you know that your thoughts produce an energy field around you and that energy field attracts onto itself other energy like it. For example, when I worry about something happening and all the worst case scenarios that go along with those worry thoughts, those scenarios or something like it will appear in my life. I am actually creating what I fear into my life.  How crazy is that!  So the question to ask yourself is: ‘what are you thinking’? Really the  more accurate question is: ‘what life are you creating for yourself with your worry thoughts? If you are happy with your life now, no worries. If you are not and you are ready for a change, keep reading

I wasn’t happy with what was happening in my life. I thought, what would happen if I began to apply this information in my life?  I thought, let’s begin to  apply this knowledge in the area  of my past anxiety. It was a game changer for me.  I slowly began stopping my worrisome thoughts about what might happen and began thinking about what I wanted to happen. Not only did the bad thing not happen, my anxiety and stress dropped way down and I felt happier and surprisingly more confident.

Now, I didn’t make this change overnight and it took some time to make this a habit. As I began to become more and more aware of my ‘what if’ and worrisome thoughts, I began changing them more and more and you know what I found? I found that my positive thoughts began to happen more. 

Could the energy people be right? Do we really have the power to create and control our lives? 

Or is this just a coincidence?  

The more I applied the changed thinking into my life the more it began to come true. I was becoming the creator of my life.  I didn’t have to be the victim of my life anymore.  

WOW! My anxiety…GONE!  

Yes, Gone. That is why I have ‘past anxiety’ now.  I remain calm and confident in my life now. When those anxious thoughts appear now…..I stop them and I ask myself, what do I want instead?  Then I imagine that happening and I experience the feeling or emotion as if the event has already happened just as I imagined it.   By keeping my mind on what I want and that experience, I remain calm and confident. The anxiety disappears. 

So how do you do this? How does one become the creator of one’s life? 

Self Hypnosis!  Self hypnosis is the process of applying a focused thought while in a relaxed state of mind.  This simple process raises your vibration (energy field) and at the same time you are focused on what you want and how it makes you feel.  This combination of imagination and emotion is the key. What is emotion but vibration and energy? So, really bring into the experience as much emotion as you can. It really isn’t hard when you begin thinking about how wonderful the experience would be and having what you are imagining right now in the moment.

Self hypnosis isn’t just not for anxiety.

No Self Hypnosis works for everything.  It will work for goals, chronic pain control, weight loss, quit smoking, sleeping better and anything. Self hypnosis will work on any behavior you want to increase or decrease or change. Some of the  processes may change depending on the issue and end result but the core of self hypnosis, imagination and emotion, is always there.  

 So what do you have to lose? You could continue to think about those worrisome and what if thoughts or you could stop them and create the life you want instead. 

In light,

Art Kuhns

PS: You might like an audio recording to help you with the process of relaxing and using your imagination with emotion.  I have the perfect audio recording here

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Art is Certified in Hypnotherapy, Hypnosis Instructor & Reiki Master / Teacher

I look for ways to empower my clients, to find and unlock their own inner healer. Once this power is found and unleashed, a life of intention, awareness and harmony can unfold.  Reiki infused hypnosis enables the client to connect intuitively for their Ultimate Success. I am members of two associations:

The International Certification Board for Clinical Hypnotherapists (ICBCH) and International Hypnosis Federation (HFI)