Quickly Reduce Stress and Anxiety and Sleep Better


There is a lot of uncertainly, fear and chaos in the world now.  You may be feeling scared, stressed, anxiety, loss of control, depression and other feelings.  It is hard not to feel this way; however, these feeling are negative and are of a low energy vibration.  They lower our immunity and may lead to depression, anger and a loss of power and control.  My Class will give you back your power, you peace and your happiness, with a few easy and simple to learn techniques.

Art Kuhns Owner of Breaking Day Hypnotherapy, a certified hypnotherapist and Reiki Master will be leading a class titled Quickly Reduce Stress and Anxiety and Sleep Better

During this web-based Zoom on – line class, from the safety of your own home,  you will learn to quickly and effectively shut down the stress response feelings and return your mind and body to a state of control and peace; a happy and healthy state of mind.  You will also enjoy a group hypnotherapy session that will leave you feeling relaxed and peaceful.  You will also receive a MP3 that will reinforce the techniques.