Imagine You as a non-smoker for good

Quit Smoking- for GOOD

Imagine YOU as a non-smoker….WITH HYPNOSIS

SAIL into your NEW LIFE -smoke free – with the quit smoking hypnosis 3 sesssion package!

Many people have successfully quit smoking in  1 session and You Can Too!!!

Worried about the cravings, the emotional up and downs, or gaining weight?  No worries.  Hypnotherapy takes these issues away by treating the cravings at their root source. In addition, you will learn to effectively control stress and anxiety. My clients have told me that stress and anxiety is their #1 reason they begin smoking again. Perhaps, you can relate. I have suffered from general anxiety and its negative health effects. and now I am free. I will provide you the tools and help you need to free yourself from stress and anxiety as well as the triggers its creates to light up.

In addition, Hypnosis is 80% effective helping people to quit smoking without patches, pills or gum. Smoking is a subconscious habit that most people use to relax. Actually, the chemicals in tobacco is a stimulant. I will teach you to relax using breathwork and mindfulness. Since the smoking habit resides in the subconscous, it is perfect for hypnosis. In hypnosis, we will change the harmful habit for a more healthful habit.

Don’t live near me…..not to worry

Hypnosis over zoom and phone works as well, if not better, than in person. Imagine for a moment you are in person, sitting in the recliner in my session room, headphones on, eyes closed listening to the hypnotic suggestions. Next, imagine we are on zoom. You are at home, sitting or lying down in a quiet place with your earbuds, listening to the hypnotic suggestions. Did you notice the difference?  I see clients on zoom with the same success as in person.  So, let’s not let distance keep you from your new life as a non-smoker for life.

So whats the cost and how does the program work?

The 3 session program is $400. The 1st session is a hour and a half to 2 hour long. During this first session, we take the time to completely understand you smoking habit and create the best session for your ultimate success. In addion, you will learn all the tools and techniques you will need to be successful in your non-smoking goals. Further more, you will be able to use these tools to control and reduce the stress and anxiety in your life. The remaining two sessions are important to reinforce the new habits and make up a complete success program.

Are you ready to take the next step? There 3 options.

1st Option- Learn more

Contact me for a free 20 min consult and learn if hypnotherapy is right for you. Call me at (805) 242-1649 or use the form below.

2nd option -Get Started

You can purchase the 3 Session Quit Smoking Program or use the form to contact me or call me (805) 242-1649 to schedule you 1st Session. To purchase the program -Here is the link to purchase the 3 session program:

3rd Option Audio mp3

Perhaps you are not sure you are ready. you can start with an audio and cut back slowly. Here is a link to purchase the Quit Smoking mp3:

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