Self-Love Journey – Hypnosis mp3


Do you feel guilty when you take time for yourself or make or express your wishes to others?  Perhaps you struggle with taking care of yourself or lack motivation to live a healthy life with diet and exercise?


Do you feel guilty when you take time for yourself or make or express your wishes to others?  Perhaps you struggle with taking care of yourself or lack motivation to live a healthy life with diet and exercise? When your self-love is low, so is your self-esteem and self respect.  

Would you like to improve your self-love? Feel more joy and happiness in your life? Have a healthy loving relationship with diet and exercise and more? I can help.

Self-Love Journey Hypnosis audio is a hypnosis session to discover and connect you to the immense love that is already there for you. Listen as much as you like to improve and grow your self-love, self-respect and motivation to take care of YOU.  I created this hypnosis audio session to accompany the blog “Self-Love is Important”  Click here to read the entire blog:

For best results, listen to the audio with headphones or earbuds everyday for 4 weeks; after that, as often as you need to reinforce the changes.

This audio has a dual emergence at the end.  You can listen to the audio as you go to sleep and it will not wake you up.  However, while listening during the day, as a great way to relax, it will wake you up at the end.

Inspired by Martin Castor Peterson, Hypno Academy – Addiction & Behavior Modification training