Quit Smoking Hypnosis Audio


Quit Smoking with Hypnosis Audio mp3 Imagine your life smoke free. Hypnosis is very effective for your Quit Smoking goal. No need for drugs, patches or gum


Welcome to my ‘Quit Smoking Hypnosis’ audio.

Hypnosis is very effective for your Quit Smoking goal. Why? Smoking is a subconscious habit. Hypnosis works in the subconscious and is very effective in changing subconscious habits. No need for drugs, gum or patches.  Just change the habit with hypnosis.

In my experience, people smoke for many reasons, stress and anxiety, cravings, the social/party aspect and more.  I wanted an audio that addresses all of these reasons and teaches a basic skill to handle stress, anxiety and cravings.  That basic skill is mindful breathing.  When our bodies are looking to calm down, it wants to breathe. So, somewhere you taught yourself that cigarettes were the answer to the breathing part of calming down.  What if, you could flick the cigarette and instead just ‘breathe’. Breathe in such a way that it truly does create a peaceful and calming experience.  Wouldn’t that be better?

If you say ‘yes’ then this hypnosis audio track is right for you.

If you are looking for a personal quit smoking experience, be sure to check out my quit smoking 3 session package.  

How to use the audio for best results. 

  • Repetition is best when changing a habit. Listen twice a day. First thing in the morning to set the tone for the day and before or while going to sleep. 
  • Hypnosis audios are effective in your sleep. You could even set it to loop through the night. I have a dual immersion ending on my audios. Meaning, if your intention is to sleep the ending will not awaken you, however, if your intention is to awaken at the end of the audio, the count up will bring you up to an awakened state.
  • Earbuds or headphones are always the best but not required.  

In Addition,  it is best to give your subconscious mind a reason why you want to change. Subconscious mind is all about ‘what is in it for me’.  Create a positive statement, an affirmation, that you can easily repeat, that you 100% believe in and empowers you. You must believe in the affirmation for it to be effective.  Check out my free book “The Affirmation Equation for Success” to learn how to effectively create affirmations.

Enjoy and welcome to being a non-smoker.