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Power Journaling: Imagine the Benefits

Journaling is a powerful tool to clear limiting beliefs and achieve success

The benefits of a power journaling practice are many. There are times when I just sit and write about whatever comes to mind just to clear my thoughts and then there are other times when I have a focus, an intention. In every instance of power journaling, the same is true. I just write what comes to mind.  After reading this blog , you too may just say , ‘power journaling: imagine the benefits’

Just write what comes to mind, let it flow

There are really no rules for power journaling except that to write what comes to mind. There are some suggested practices to journal writing and that just comes from experience but really there is no hard and fast way except to write what comes to mind. In Fact, I am using power journaling to write this blog. I have tried to write it several times and just couldn’t get it started. So, I am just, right now, writing what is coming to mind with the intention of writing a blog about power journaling. 

The really only rule to power journaling is one just writes what comes to mind no matter what comes to mind just keep writing. Do not stop to punctuate or correct grammar. Just keep writing every thought even if it is repeated.  Do not stop the flow. That is really the only hard rule: everything else is a suggestion based on experience. Regarding this blog, after the power journal session, I will edit.

Some suggestions for a great session

Set a timer and an intention or focus.  

Set a timer for 10 min. That seems to be a common time amongst the power journalists. This is a time that works for me. It is long enough to get your thoughts down and not so long to seem daunting. Sometimes I go longer and sometimes it is shorter.  Since the human person has a bazillion thoughts a minute, it shouldn’t be hard to keep writing, so just keep writing.

Setting an intention keeps your thoughts focused on the issue you want to examine. That is important for self discovery, otherwise you will be everywhere. Sometimes, I just keep writing the intention over and over or may go back to it during the session. 

Power Journaling, imagining the benefits…

I have uncovered lot’s of cool stuff about myself. Like memories that have created habits and behaviors that I no longer want. Why do I act this way or that around this person or situation?    Want to know something about yourself, power journal it. Have you ever asked yourself why you want to do something? For example, losing weight. Why do I continue to self sabotage my weight loss goals? I don’t know, is usually the first answer. Why? Because, it is locked in my subconscious mind and I don’t know how to access it.

So, I power journal it and let my thoughts flow regarding that intention. Somewhere in the writing process, my subconscious mind is accessed and ‘poof’ the reason jumps into my mind as a thought and now it is on paper. Amazing, that is why I call it power journaling. It just happens like that.

These reasons or memories, locked away in our subconscious mind,are not always accessible to our conscious mind. Yet these hidden memories have created a habit or behavior that is no longer desired.

Here is the true power in power journaling. 

As you write about your thoughts, something happens to the conscious mind. It just seems to go to sleep and the door to your subconscious mind opens. Without any real effort on your part, the real belief about your intention just pops on the page. So much can be accessed about behaviors, habits, memories and true beliefs though power journaling. It truly is the doorway to your subconscious mind.

What happens now? 

The real reason has just popped on the page. Now what?  Sometimes the trigger memory appears, sometimes it is just the presenting behavior doesn’t matter how it appears. The important part is now you can now look at it and ask yourself, does this behavior serve me now? Couldn’t I change it to benefit me? And then through your writing, change the behavior. Take back control.


That is the true and ultimate power in power journaling, taking back control of your life.  Who doesn’t want that? 

Imagine your benefits of a power journaling practice

You can start your own power journal session right now. it isn’t difficult and I have included my Power Journaling cheatsheet so you can begin today.

Link to power journaling cheat sheet