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Positive Thinking 2.0

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Have you ever been annoyed by someone who always looks on the bright side? Well you probably would be annoyed by me.  For most things, I look for the positive and will usually add humor to it. That’s just me.  I would say I have been like that most of my adult life and I really began to train myself to be more positive as I learned about the energy that is attached to thoughts.  Thoughts are energy and I like to keep my vibration high.  So, thinking about what I don’t want is counterproductive.  It’s like being attached to a rubber band in negative land.  No matter how hard you try to leave the band pulls you back in.  Even though I would consider myself a positive thinker, we can all elevate our game and my game was elevated recently when working through a manifesting challenge.  I was creating my Desire Statement about my business.  What do I want my business to look like?  It started by creating a list of everything I didn’t like about my business. I was asked to make a list of everything I didn’t like about my business. I was asked to make a list of 10 of my complaints. Then, I was to create a gratitude statement for each complaint.  Then create an affirmation from the gratitude statement.

So, for example:

  1. Complaint: It is hard to find new clients, Gratitude statement: I am grateful for my clients -Affirmation: New clients flow to me easily and effortlessly.
  2. Complaint: I don’t believe in myself, Gratitude statement: I am grateful for my Divine gifts. Affirmation: My Divine gifts are meant to be shared.

Can you see, feel or experience the power in turning a complaint into a positive statement? 

Can you feel the transformation in energy?

Then I wondered.  If this can work with manifestation, what would it be like to turn every complaint into a positive statement?  How would that change my vibration?

I mean, there is a lot to complain about, right? Even with all my positive thinking, I am not immune to the problems in the world and I do my share of complaining.  One of my common complaints would be, do I have to hit every red light as I drive into town?  I could change that into, I am thankful for a safe drive into town.  As I follow currents events, I would think, Can this country be any crazier.  It would be better to focus on the good.  I am thankful for the freedoms my country provides. So I decided to up my game, to be more positive and grateful for everyday things.  

 Now, this isn’t easy. It takes self awareness of your thoughts and emotions.

Just like anything, it will take practice and I am dedicated to this new way of thinking. 

On a grandeur scale, if the world we live in is made up of our collective energy. Would you rather be living in a world of negative energy or positive energy? What if we all began to think more positive, to refrain from complaining, and to become more grateful for everyday things?  

Whoa……..What would that look like?

But it may be hard to believe that one can change the world by changing oneself.  However, it isn’t a new concept. Many have spoken it and a song by Michele Jackson, “The Man in the Mirror” comes to mind. 

Okay, so, if it is hard to accept a world changing concept, then consider just your life and those around you.  Law of attraction states you attract into your life what you believe.  That belief has a vibrational frequency.  You can attract negative or positive beliefs.  I prefer positive, so I will work to change my beliefs into more positive ones.  One way I can do that is to stop wallowing in the quagmire of negative thinking and beliefs and my complaints and begin attracting more positive results. 

I will become more aware of my complaining and become more positive. 

Perhaps you will join me too.

When you are ready, contact me for a free 20 min consultation to determine if hypnosis is right for you.  Call me at (805) 242-1649 or use the contact form below.

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