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Mindful Magic: Experience the Power of Mindful Self-hypnosis
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Mindful Magic: Experience the Power of Mindful Self-hypnosis

My Super-Power is Mindfulness & Hypnosis - Experience the power of mindfulness and self-hypnosis. My daily practice. I want to...
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Mindfulness & Hypnosis: The Dynamic Duo of Wellness

Mindfulness & Hypnosis: The Dynamic Duo of Wellness

Mindfulness and Hypnosis: the Dynamic Duo of Wellness. Mindfulness & Hypnosis creates a relaxing environment for improving immunity and natural...
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 Let Go and Soar High

 Let Go and Soar High

Empower your Journey: The Art of Letting Go
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3 Steps to Unleash Your Subconscious Power for Ultimate Goal Success

3 Steps to Unleash Your Subconscious Power for Ultimate Goal Success

Have you ever wondered why you do the things you do or think the way you think? The answer is...
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3 Steps: Worry Less & Live With Confidence

3 Steps: Worry Less & Live With Confidence

3 Steps to Worry Less and Live with Confidence. Turn daily worries into a lifestyle of calm confidence
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Anxiety the Good, the Bad, the Ugly and the Relief

Anxiety the Good, the Bad, the Ugly and the Relief

Anxiety the Good, the Bad and the Ugly - 3 Steps to find relief from chronic anxiety.
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Five Steps to STOP the “What Ifs” and Increase your Power and Peace

Five Steps to STOP the “What Ifs” and Increase your Power and Peace

5 Steps to STOP the 'What Ifs" and increase your Power and Peace. If you are one who is feeling...
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When Will-Power isn’t Enough

Have you heard or has someone told you , "you just need more will power"? What if I told you...
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Anxiety the Good, the Bad, the Ugly and the Relief

Anxiety the Good, the Bad, the Ugly and the Relief

Anxiety the Good, the Bad and the Ugly - 3 Steps to find relief from chronic anxiety.
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Five Steps to STOP the “What Ifs” and Increase your Power and Peace

Five Steps to STOP the “What Ifs” and Increase your Power and Peace

5 Steps to STOP the 'What Ifs" and increase your Power and Peace. If you are one who is feeling...
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When Will-Power isn’t Enough

Have you heard or has someone told you , "you just need more will power"? What if I told you...
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Anxiety the Good, the Bad, the Ugly and the Relief

Anxiety the Good, the Bad, the Ugly and the Relief

Anxiety the Good, the Bad and the Ugly - 3 Steps to find relief from chronic anxiety.
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Five Steps to STOP the “What Ifs” and Increase your Power and Peace

Five Steps to STOP the “What Ifs” and Increase your Power and Peace

5 Steps to STOP the 'What Ifs" and increase your Power and Peace. If you are one who is feeling...
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When Will-Power isn’t Enough

Have you heard or has someone told you , "you just need more will power"? What if I told you...
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Staying Calm and in Control in these Crazy Uncertain Times

Five Steps to STOP the “What Ifs” and Increase your Power and Peace

Wow, this ‘shelter in home’ and ‘social distancing’ is really something, isn’t it?  I see the pictures and have seen the news, the empty shelves and the lines in the stores and those out of work with no income, Crazy times.  It is really hard not to get caught up in the hysteria and feel the anxiousness of uncertainty and powerlessness.  Would you like to know how you can change your current state of powerlessness and anxiety to being grounded, empowered and in peace?  I would like to share with you what I do constantly to stay empowered and in peace.  

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Now on to the one of my favorite techniques to stop the “what if”

Five steps to STOP the “What Ifs” and increase your power and peace

For as long as I can remember, I have dealt with anxiety in my life.  Over the years, I have learned many ways to counter and lower my stress and anxiety and maintain a sense of empowerment and peacefulness.  This sense of empowerment and peacefulness has now become my baseline.   To be honest, the recent craziness has tested my ability to remain peaceful and empowered. I have caught myself going down the rabbit hole of ‘what if’.  Thankfully, the tools I have learned and about to share have become ingrained in my subconscious mind and I also meet with online groups that help me to stay focused.   You too can have a baseline of calmness and peacefulness as well.  Imagine now for a moment, what it would feel like to feel calm and peaceful most of the time.  For those of us who feel stress and anxiety most of the time, we may have lost what it feels like to be empowered and peaceful.  I know it did.  The first time I fully relaxed was so profound and amazing; I wanted to feel like that always.

This technique I am offering today, I use all the time.  It is a quick and easy method to reduce stress and anxiety and stop the ‘what ifs ‘anywhere and anytime.

When you feel stress and anxiety regarding anything, it is basically a fear of some future event not turning out as you would like.   (Like what is happening now) The ‘what if’ this happens and ‘what if’ that happens and so on.  (FEAR by the way is an acronym for ‘False Evidence Appearing Real’.  That is all fear really is.  When fear is faced, it is often exposed for what it really is, False Evidence Appearing Real)

The first step is to stop this feeling with a few deep abdominal breaths.  Breathing into the core or abdomen filling it with air first, then allowing the chest to rise as you continue with the deep breath.  This is important.  This is the type of deep breath that completely fills the lungs with air. This deep abdomen breathing, signals the subconscious to turn off the ‘stress’ response and to turn on the ‘I am safe and happy’ response. 

Step two: Now that I have stopped the ‘stress’ state with my breath, I ask myself, what is causing this feeling?  Is it real? What is the worst case scenario?  What is the likelihood of this really happening?  What is out of my control and what is in my control?  What can I do now?  These questions usually will cause the fear to dissipate.

Step three: Then ask yourself, what do you really want instead?  You have thought of the negative scenarios that you don’t want.  So, what do you want?  What is the desired outcome?  What does it look like, feel like, taste like, sound like.  Envision what you want. Like it is a picture or video with full color and sound, see what you see, hear what you hear and feel what you feel.   Now, how does that picture or video make you feel?  Absorb that feeling into your body, wrap up in it.  Experience the outcome with your whole body. 

Step four: Now that you have your desired outcome with picture and sound, apply emotion to it.  Two strongest emotions are Love and Gratitude.  Fall in love with it and be grateful for your outcome as if you already have it.  Here is a little secret….your subconscious mind that controls habits, emotions, and behavior cannot tell the difference between reality and what is imagined.  Case in point, you feel stress when you imagine something happening don’t you?  It isn’t really happening, is it? Yet, your subconscious mind has set up your body in preparation for an imagined event.   So, when you are grateful for your outcome, before you actually receive it, your subconscious mind makes it happen for you.  Be in LOVE with your new outcome.  Be Grateful for it.  Pretend it is your life NOW!

Step five: Now, play this new outcome every time the nasty past arises in your head.  When it arises, Say “STOP!  That isn’t me anymore.  This is me!” Then play your new life outcome.  Retrain your brain for success, for being empowered, calm and peaceful.

Want more information? Be sure to join me with the Quickly Reduce Stress and Anxiety and Sleep Better Zoom Class.  Follow the link to learn more:

Would you be interested in joining a FaceBook group where the focus would be learning more ways to reduce stress and anxiety in your life? If so, use the contact form and let me know you are interested and how I can help. Thanks


I am a certified hypnotherapist and a Reiki Master -Teacher.  I received my hypnotherapy certification through Hypnosis Motivational Institute, an accredited hypnotherapy college located in Tarzana Ca.  I have additional certifications in hypnotherapy for PTSD, Smoking Cessation, Healing the Inner Child and Spiritual Counseling.

I use a client solution focus approach in the hypnotherapy session where the client is free to find his own solution to the problem. Before the hypnotherapy session, we focus on the solution to the issue and use that as the bases for the hypnotherapy session. The hypnotherapy sessions may include guided meditation, visualization, direct and indirect suggestions and other techniques to aid the client’s success in achieving their desired outcome.  During the hypnotherapy session the client will be in a relaxed state and completely in control of your thoughts and intentions.  Often times, the relaxation is so profound they cannot remember feeling so relaxed.  After the session, the client is returned to a waking state feeling calm, confident and in control.