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Mindful Magic: Experience the Power of Mindful Self-hypnosis

Mindful Magic: The Power of Mindfulness and Hypnosis

What do I mean?

My Super Power


  • International Certification Board for Clinical Hypnotherapists (ICBCH)
  • International Hypnosis Federation (HFI)
  • Toastmaster member since 2014 / currently president of local club
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 Let Go and Soar High

Let go and Soar to Success
Let go and Soar to Success

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3 Steps to Unleash Your Subconscious Power for Ultimate Goal Success

3 Steps to Unleash Your powerful Subconscious for Ultimate Goal Success

Have you ever wondered why you do the things you do, think the way you think, or react in certain ways to life’s challenges? The answer lies within your subconscious mind, a powerful ally waiting to be harnessed for your personal growth and transformation. In this blog, we’ll dig into the concept of the subconscious mind and its influence on your behavior, beliefs, and perceptions. You will learn a few easy steps to harness this hidden power to your own profound success, happiness, and fulfillment in your life.

The Subconscious Mind: Your Powerful Ally

Your subconscious mind is like the silent partner in your life’s journey. It operates beneath the surface, quietly influencing your thoughts, actions, and decisions, often without you even realizing it. Unlike your conscious mind, which is rational and analytical, your subconscious mind is emotional and intuitive. Its language is imagination and emotion. It’s the part of your mind where your beliefs, memories, habits, and desires reside.

Transforming Behavior, Shaping Beliefs, and Igniting Powerful Beliefs

The subconscious mind plays an important role in shaping who you are. It stores your past experiences, both positive and negative, and uses them as a reference for your current actions and reactions. For example, if you had a traumatic experience as a child, your subconscious mind may still hold onto the fear associated with that event, causing you to react strongly to similar situations as an adult. 

‘Can you believe it…we all journey through our adult life based on the beliefs and perceptions created upon us when we were children’ 

Moreover, your subconscious mind houses your core beliefs about yourself and the world. These beliefs, often formed during childhood, can be limiting or empowering. If you believe you’re not good enough or that success is beyond your reach, these deep-seated beliefs will become self-fulfilling prophecies, holding you back, actually sabotaging you, from your true potential.

Your perceptions is your reality 

Your subconscious mind also filters your perceptions of reality. It selects, from all the information available,only what reinforces your beliefs and perspectives and shields all the others. If your beliefs and perspectives of yourself are less than positive, this will create a feedback loop that keeps you stuck in certain patterns of thought and behavior. 

Not to fear:there is a solution

Unleash Your Hidden Potential: A 3-Step Journey to Empowerment

Now, here’s the exciting part: your subconscious mind is a treasure trunk full of untapped potential. Once you understand how it works and learn to communicate with it, you can reshape your thoughts, beliefs, and actions to align with your deepest desires and goals.

Step 1: Mindfulness Meditation – to move yourself into a calm space where you can become present to your subconscious mind. Mindfulness is easy, let me explain. Allow yourself to be in a safe and comfortable place. Then begin to become aware of your breath. Whatever that awareness brings to you. It could be your breathing rhythm, or the air moving through your nose or the muscles flexing…doesn’t matter what it is as long as your awareness is on your breathing. If your mind wonders, and it most likely will, bring it back to your breathing. That’s it…wasn’t that easy?…. Now that you are relaxed…

Step 2: Visualize your goal or desire. While you are in this relaxed state, see you being, succeeding, living your desired life, whatever that is.  Watch it as if it is on a screen in front of you and you are in the audience. What does it look like? What do you hear? What does it feel like? What emotions are present? Tap into the emotions. Let them grow and develop.  Allow the scene to play out in front of you. As you are doing this you are imprinting upon your subconscious mind…..CHANGE. You are letting your subconscious mind know this is what you want…Expect… actually. Remember, this is the language of the subconscious mind.  You are communicating with your powerful ally.  

Step 3: Affirmations -help reprogram the subconscious mind by flooding it with positive messages and images that counteract your negative beliefs. Sometimes I have an affirmation that I have chosen for my goal or desire. Other times, I create it when I am visualizing my goal or desire during mindful meditation. The affirmation is born out of the negative belief that pops up during my visualization of the goal or desire.

For example, quick side story:

I was preparing for an exam and was following the steps above. While I was in mindful meditation, I was watching the exam in my mind. It was a skills presentation exam, not written. As I was watching the exam, suddenly the exam proctor began being rude and intimidating.

Boom, this was the hidden resistence, the subconconsious limitation I have been fighting. It just popped out as I was imaging the exam.

Using my Questions to counter the fears

I began to counter all the emotions and fears with questions like: what is the worst thing that could happen if I fail? This exam is like a presentation isn’t it? I have been trained to handle unruly people during presentations haven’t I? What could I say to myself to counter these negative thoughts?

Let go and have fun

This affirmation immediately appeared in my mind. ‘Let go and have fun’ I knew that if I could let go of the results ie. passing or failing and I could just have fun, I would remain relaxed allowing my mind to stay clear, focused and creative.

I used this affirmation during the exam prep and throughout the exam.  The result….I passed.  This is how powerful this process can be. (read the whole story here: )

If there are any negative pre-programs that exist, they will appear during this time and you can eliminate them easily with affirmations that you create on the spot, just as I did with the example above. .  That is what makes these 3 steps so powerful.  

Your Road to Your Ultimate Success

Understanding and harnessing the power of your subconscious mind is a journey, not a destination. It requires patience, practice, and a commitment to self-discovery. But the rewards are immeasurable. Practice these 3 steps daily and repeat the affirmation(s) as much as you can throughout your day.  Constant reinforcement will create the change you desire.

By reprogramming limiting beliefs, releasing emotional baggage, and aligning your subconscious mind with your conscious goals, you can achieve profound personal transformation. Success, happiness, and fulfillment become not just possibilities but your new reality.

Your subconscious mind is your greatest ally. Embrace its potential with these 3 Steps, and watch as it helps you unlock the life you’ve always dreamed of living.

Want to experience the power of hypnotherapy in your life?

If you would like more information about hypnotherapy and its power to work in your life, reach out to me for a quick consultation call.  805-242-1649

Ready to get started now, call me to schedule your appointment-805-242-1649

You can use the form below to contact me as well

Hi, so just a little about me.  I became a Reiki Master/Teacher about 12 years ago when I stumbled on the power of the mind and hypnosis. My first encounter with hypnosis was in an office chair as I was leaning against the wall. It lasted only 20min and my intent was to remove a knee jerk panic reaction to floating on my back in a pool.  It worked. I went from hanging on to the edge of the pool, panicked every time my feet left the pool floor to swimming on my back. 50 years of fear gone in one 20 min hypnosis session.  I had to learn hypnosis and add it to my existing Reiki practice.  Does hypnosis work? Absolutely, without a doubt!

I am a certified Hypnotherapist from Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI) an accredited Hypnosis College in California

My roots being in energy healing, I know that true healing is holistic. The healing must be Mind/Emotion, Body and Spiritual to be complete. My motto became, “Reiki Infused Hypnotherapy for your Ultimate Success”

I look for ways to empower my clients, to find and unlock their own inner healer. Once this power is found and unleashed, a life of intention, awareness and harmony can unfold.  Reiki infused hypnosis enables the client to connect intuitively and heal holistically.

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3 Steps: Worry Less & Live With Confidence

3 Steps to Worry Less and Live Confidently

Life is a journey, filled with moments of joy and, at times, challenges that can leave us feeling overwhelmed. Worry and stress often sneak in, stealing our peace of mind and shaking our confidence. But here’s the good news—you can turn those daily worries into a lifestyle of calm and empowerment. I know. I used to be controlled by high general anxiety. Now, I use practical easy techniques that restore my peace, my confidence and my control in any situation.  

You’re not alone on this journey. If you ever feel stuck or want guidance, I’m here to help. Let’s walk this path together. 


Breaking free from daily worry and stress is possible with consistent effort and a willingness to embrace positive change. By cultivating mindful awareness, shifting negative self-talk, and establishing healthy habits, you can transform your life into one characterized by peace and confidence. Remember that change takes time, so be patient and compassionate with yourself throughout this transformative journey. Start small, stay committed, and watch as your worries melt away, replaced by an empowered and serene version of yourself

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Art Kuhns Certified Hypnotherapist/ Hypnosis Instructor and Reiki Master/Teacher

Hi, let me share a bit about myself. Around 13 years ago, I discovered the incredible potential of the mind, body and spirit. I was introduced to Reiki, a powerful energy healing system. My initial experience with hypnosis occurred when I was sitting in an office chair, casually leaning against the wall with the intent of removing a lifelong fear.  In this 20 minute session my lifelong fear, panic really, of floating on my back in a pool disappeared. In one session, my fear was gone.

That led me to become certified in hypnotherapy through HMI (Hypnosis Motivation Institute) an accredited college of hypnotherapy. Now, as a Reiki master and hypnotherapist,  I am excited to offer Reiki infused hypnotherapy for your ultimate success.

I am dedicated to empowering my clients by assisting them in uncovering and harnessing their innate healing abilities. By tapping into this source of power, they can lead a purposeful, mindful, and harmonious life. Through the powerful combination of Reiki and hypnosis, my clients are able to establish an intuitive connection and experience holistic healing.

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Power Journaling: Imagine the Benefits

Journaling is a powerful tool to clear limiting beliefs and achieve success

The benefits of a power journaling practice are many. There are times when I just sit and write about whatever comes to mind just to clear my thoughts and then there are other times when I have a focus, an intention. In every instance of power journaling, the same is true. I just write what comes to mind.  After reading this blog , you too may just say , ‘power journaling: imagine the benefits’

Just write what comes to mind, let it flow

There are really no rules for power journaling except that to write what comes to mind. There are some suggested practices to journal writing and that just comes from experience but really there is no hard and fast way except to write what comes to mind. In Fact, I am using power journaling to write this blog. I have tried to write it several times and just couldn’t get it started. So, I am just, right now, writing what is coming to mind with the intention of writing a blog about power journaling. 

The really only rule to power journaling is one just writes what comes to mind no matter what comes to mind just keep writing. Do not stop to punctuate or correct grammar. Just keep writing every thought even if it is repeated.  Do not stop the flow. That is really the only hard rule: everything else is a suggestion based on experience. Regarding this blog, after the power journal session, I will edit.

Some suggestions for a great session

Set a timer and an intention or focus.  

Set a timer for 10 min. That seems to be a common time amongst the power journalists. This is a time that works for me. It is long enough to get your thoughts down and not so long to seem daunting. Sometimes I go longer and sometimes it is shorter.  Since the human person has a bazillion thoughts a minute, it shouldn’t be hard to keep writing, so just keep writing.

Setting an intention keeps your thoughts focused on the issue you want to examine. That is important for self discovery, otherwise you will be everywhere. Sometimes, I just keep writing the intention over and over or may go back to it during the session. 

Power Journaling, imagining the benefits…

I have uncovered lot’s of cool stuff about myself. Like memories that have created habits and behaviors that I no longer want. Why do I act this way or that around this person or situation?    Want to know something about yourself, power journal it. Have you ever asked yourself why you want to do something? For example, losing weight. Why do I continue to self sabotage my weight loss goals? I don’t know, is usually the first answer. Why? Because, it is locked in my subconscious mind and I don’t know how to access it.

So, I power journal it and let my thoughts flow regarding that intention. Somewhere in the writing process, my subconscious mind is accessed and ‘poof’ the reason jumps into my mind as a thought and now it is on paper. Amazing, that is why I call it power journaling. It just happens like that.

These reasons or memories, locked away in our subconscious mind,are not always accessible to our conscious mind. Yet these hidden memories have created a habit or behavior that is no longer desired.

Here is the true power in power journaling. 

As you write about your thoughts, something happens to the conscious mind. It just seems to go to sleep and the door to your subconscious mind opens. Without any real effort on your part, the real belief about your intention just pops on the page. So much can be accessed about behaviors, habits, memories and true beliefs though power journaling. It truly is the doorway to your subconscious mind.

What happens now? 

The real reason has just popped on the page. Now what?  Sometimes the trigger memory appears, sometimes it is just the presenting behavior doesn’t matter how it appears. The important part is now you can now look at it and ask yourself, does this behavior serve me now? Couldn’t I change it to benefit me? And then through your writing, change the behavior. Take back control.


That is the true and ultimate power in power journaling, taking back control of your life.  Who doesn’t want that? 

Imagine your benefits of a power journaling practice

You can start your own power journal session right now. it isn’t difficult and I have included my Power Journaling cheatsheet so you can begin today.

Link to power journaling cheat sheet

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You are the Creator of your Life!

You are the creator of your life

You are a powerful creator of your life.  Did you know that? Do you know that your thoughts produce an energy field around you and that energy field attracts onto itself other energy like it. For example, when I worry about something happening and all the worst case scenarios that go along with those worry thoughts, those scenarios or something like it will appear in my life. I am actually creating what I fear into my life.  How crazy is that!  So the question to ask yourself is: ‘what are you thinking’? Really the  more accurate question is: ‘what life are you creating for yourself with your worry thoughts? If you are happy with your life now, no worries. If you are not and you are ready for a change, keep reading

I wasn’t happy with what was happening in my life. I thought, what would happen if I began to apply this information in my life?  I thought, let’s begin to  apply this knowledge in the area  of my past anxiety. It was a game changer for me.  I slowly began stopping my worrisome thoughts about what might happen and began thinking about what I wanted to happen. Not only did the bad thing not happen, my anxiety and stress dropped way down and I felt happier and surprisingly more confident.

Now, I didn’t make this change overnight and it took some time to make this a habit. As I began to become more and more aware of my ‘what if’ and worrisome thoughts, I began changing them more and more and you know what I found? I found that my positive thoughts began to happen more. 

Could the energy people be right? Do we really have the power to create and control our lives? 

Or is this just a coincidence?  

The more I applied the changed thinking into my life the more it began to come true. I was becoming the creator of my life.  I didn’t have to be the victim of my life anymore.  

WOW! My anxiety…GONE!  

Yes, Gone. That is why I have ‘past anxiety’ now.  I remain calm and confident in my life now. When those anxious thoughts appear now…..I stop them and I ask myself, what do I want instead?  Then I imagine that happening and I experience the feeling or emotion as if the event has already happened just as I imagined it.   By keeping my mind on what I want and that experience, I remain calm and confident. The anxiety disappears. 

So how do you do this? How does one become the creator of one’s life? 

Self Hypnosis!  Self hypnosis is the process of applying a focused thought while in a relaxed state of mind.  This simple process raises your vibration (energy field) and at the same time you are focused on what you want and how it makes you feel.  This combination of imagination and emotion is the key. What is emotion but vibration and energy? So, really bring into the experience as much emotion as you can. It really isn’t hard when you begin thinking about how wonderful the experience would be and having what you are imagining right now in the moment.

Self hypnosis isn’t just not for anxiety.

No Self Hypnosis works for everything.  It will work for goals, chronic pain control, weight loss, quit smoking, sleeping better and anything. Self hypnosis will work on any behavior you want to increase or decrease or change. Some of the  processes may change depending on the issue and end result but the core of self hypnosis, imagination and emotion, is always there.  

 So what do you have to lose? You could continue to think about those worrisome and what if thoughts or you could stop them and create the life you want instead. 

In light,

Art Kuhns

PS: You might like an audio recording to help you with the process of relaxing and using your imagination with emotion.  I have the perfect audio recording here

Never miss another blog post and stay informed on promotions and events. use the form below to subscribe. Also for subscribing, I will send you a free copy of my EBook ‘Affirmations Equation to Success’. I respect your information and it is never sold or abused. You can unsubscribe anytime.

Art is Certified in Hypnotherapy, Hypnosis Instructor & Reiki Master / Teacher

I look for ways to empower my clients, to find and unlock their own inner healer. Once this power is found and unleashed, a life of intention, awareness and harmony can unfold.  Reiki infused hypnosis enables the client to connect intuitively for their Ultimate Success. I am members of two associations:

The International Certification Board for Clinical Hypnotherapists (ICBCH) and International Hypnosis Federation (HFI)

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How a Vacation Changed My Life

Kaanapali Maui 2022

To be on vacation is wonderful isn’t it? Some vacations have been so busy that there was not enough time to really savor the experience.  Just sleep, eat and go. Sleep, eat and go and when we return, we are exhausted. Then there are others where there is a restful balance.  My last vacation gave me time for perspective on what is a healthy balanced life. 

This last vacation in Maui was wonderful. What’s not to like about Maui, right?  We had a balcony condo with a beautiful view of the beach.  The beach was no more than two hundred feet from our balcony.  We could hear the surf through the walls. We spent the morning having coffee and breakfast watching the surf. During the day we would either be active with excursions on the island or relaxing on the balcony or by the pool. Maui Life is so peaceful and relaxing. It was a perfect balance between activity and rest. I didn’t want the vacation to end. I just wanted to remain in this peaceful state forever. 

View of the beach from the balcony

Hawaii life

I awoke one morning and wondered what it would be like to live and work in Hawaii. Who wouldn’t want this life forever, right?  As I continued to wonder about life in Hawaii, I realized that the commitment of work and life would soon lead to the same lifestyle I have right here at home. 

I live in a beautiful area of the central coast of California. You could even call it paradise. I believe the city of Paso Robles put that on a billboard once. Here I am, living in paradise, the coast not more than 30 min away and I take for granted the beauty around me and I work work work. The beach is right there and yet I barely visit it two times a year. Wouldn’t I fall into the same habit even living in Maui. I fear so.  I mean It isn’t the place as much as it is my values and beliefs. 

Healthly Balanced Life

For example, our tour guide to the ‘Road to Hana’ is a native of Hawaii and he told us the Hawaii culture that is still taught today is a healthy work balance. Work yes and take time for yourself, family and community. It is taught to them. We, with our western mindset, might call their work ethic leisurely or lazy.  Is it? 

Time Out

As stress and anxiety and its chronic disease associates become the norm In America, we should be calling ‘time out’ at the top of our lungs. Rather than be critical of taking time for yourselves, we should embrace it. 

The week we spent in Maui was heavenly. We practiced a good balance between activities and rest.  There were a couple days of activities and days to just rest.

Healthy life should also be about a balance between activities and rest. Take time for self care, family and community. 

So many times, I feel I should go visit the beach and I don’t. I feel guilty taking time out for myself. There is always so much to do and not enough time. Right? 

Why do we’ as an American culture’ feel guilty about taking time for self care? What if I went to the beach to just zen, to regain perspective, to balance and reconnect with myself and nature?  Then I think, with so much to do, aren’t I being selfish? What would others think? Aren’t we just a little too worried about what ‘others think’?  I know I am just a little more than I should.   

Little Steps to Change

I do know that moving forward from our western work ethic to a more healthy life balance of work and rest could be a big step.  I also know that change works best and is longer lasting by creating an intention to change and then taking small steps.  Take a small step, be consistent with this change and when it becomes natural, take another small step. Continue moving forward one small step at a time.   

To this end, I have started a daily morning routine of meditation and journaling. When the beach calls me, I will schedule a visit as soon as I can.   I am worth it and so are you!

What small step could you commit to this week? Let me know in the comments

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Mindfulness: 3 Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Mindfulness: 3 ways to reduce stress and create a life of health and wellness
Mindfulness: 3 ways to reduce stress and create a life of health and wellness
Mindfulness: 3 ways to reduce stress and create a life of health and wellness

Who has stress? Who has anxiety? Who is living with stress and anxiety and may not be aware of it? May seem like a ridiculous question. When I was first told of my, pass high general anxiety, I was in denial. I thought it was my life. I thought everyone felt this way? Not everyone feels this way and you don’t have to anymore either. I first began using mindfulness for anxiety, although mindfulness is so much more.  When I first learned about mindfulness, I would get so stressed that I just couldn’t think.  I knew I needed to do something and nothing would come to mind or so many things came to mind; I couldn’t determine which thing to do first.  Can you relate? In that moment, I would think, I should meditate on this, NO; I don’t have the time for that and continue to circle and freeze into the abyss of Fret and Over-thinking Ville . What if, in just a moment, you could escape from fret land and slide into and area of calmness and peace? what would that feel like?

What is mindfulness

Let’s take a moment to define Mindfulness

Mindfulness is: Our basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing. It is already inside you. You have access anytime and my favorite part…anywhere.

Oxford dictionary definition is: mind·ful·ness:

1.the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something:

2.a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.

Mindfulness is just that, being mindful, which means, that the mind is fully aware to what’s happening and what you are doing at that moment. That might seem easy to be fully aware, accept for when our mind naturally thinks thousands of thoughts per minute or so it seems. When that happens, we are now off in ‘what if’ land thinking about some imaginary scenario that most likely will not happen, but seems so real, we are now in full anxiousness and fret.

But have no fear, mindfulness is here.  Mindfulness is wherever you are.  It just requires a little awareness and practice. 

Why should I care about mindfulness? What’s in it for me?

There are so many benefits to mindfulness. I wrote my 3 favorite benefits. You can read it here: (see link below)…..After practicing mindfulness…I wonder what your favorite benefits will be?

3 Benefits to Mindfulness
My 3 Benefits to Mindfulness

My 3 Benefits of Mindfulness Practice:

Here are the three things that I benefit from a mindful practice and they are not listed in any order of importance.

1.Reduction of Stress and Anxiety – I feel myself entering the fret-land and I take a breath and then go to my breath awareness in mindfulness

2. Mental Clarity – being in a mindful moment brings clarity and creativity. Even now, I will be experiencing a little anxiety of how I should be use my day and I will doubt the effectiveness of just a few minutes of mindfulness. Then, I set my 10 min timer and enter the calming, creative world of mindfulness where all the answers magically appear. I am now calm, confident and have my agenda set.  It’s amazing!

3. Peace and Balance – when I have that feeling that I am just overwhelmed or torn in too many directions, mindfulness just brings me peace.

What can I say; I am now addicted to feeling peaceful and balanced.

What is mindful awareness?

I mentioned before that practicing mindfulness just requires awareness and practice.

Once you catch yourself in fret land, that’s Awareness,….STOP and remember. You can restore peacefulness to yourself.  This is your basic human right and you have the power to be at peace.  You deserve this!

Now…enter into mindfulness. 

Here are 3 basic ways to practice mindfulness:

Take a stroll – Take a walk anywhere safe. Sure nature is awesome, beautiful and relaxing but it doesn’t have to be that to receive the benefits. A walk in your safe neighborhood will work. While on your walk, take in the experience with all your senses.  As you are strolling, be aware of what you see and how it makes you feel. What do you hear and how does that make you feel? What do you smell and what are you feeling now, etc.

Notice everything is about what is going on inside, your experience. When you focus on the inside, it is very difficult to be anxious about what is happening on the outside.

Mindfulness can be practiced with your first cup of coffee, tea or beverage. As you sit down with your morning beverage, be with it for a moment. What do you notice first and how does that make you feel?  What do you notice second and what are you feeling?  If it hot, perhaps you can feel the heat and observe the steam and smell the flavor. Then take a sip and again what do you notice and what are you feeling?

I wonder how your day would change for the better when starting it with mindfulness?

Mindful Breathing Meditation – My favorite mindful practice. It literally change my life.  This is where I am being aware of my breath.  Not trying to change it in anyway, just being aware of how I breathe.  Perhaps, I am noticing the muscles used, or the sound, frequency or rhythm or what do you notice? Doesn’t matter what you notice, it only matters that you are being aware and how it makes you feel.

Want to practice mindfulness, but don’t have time for a walk or a beverage handy?  You always have your breath and it only takes a moment. 

Mindful Breathing Meditation can be a meditation on its own of a starter for self-hypnosis, goal centered or manifesting meditation or ??? The possibilities are endless. 

Mindfulness: who has time for it?  Well, we can stay in fret and over-thinking land and be anxious and stressed out or take a moment, and it is only a moment, to be mindful.  In that moment, peace, clarity and confidence will return.  Who has time for it?

I Do!    Do You?

Is hypnotherapy right for you? call or text me for a free 20 min consultation. (805) 242-1649 or use the CONTACT ME form at the bottom of the post

Interested to learn mindful breathing moment/meditation? check out my Mindful Breathing Meditation audio here:

Never want to miss another blog, promotion or event? Subscribe below. Know This: I respect your information and it will never be shared or sold.

Hi, let me share a bit about myself. Around 13 years ago, I discovered the incredible potential of the mind, body and spirit. I was introduced to Reiki, a powerful energy healing system. My initial experience with hypnosis occurred when I was sitting in an office chair, casually leaning against the wall with the intent of removing a lifelong fear.  In this 20 minute session my lifelong fear, panic really, of floating on my back in a pool disappeared. In one session, my fear was gone.

That led me to become certified in hypnotherapy through HMI (Hypnosis Motivation Institute) an accredited college of hypnotherapy. Now, as a Reiki master and hypnotherapist,  I am excited to offer Reiki infused hypnotherapy for your ultimate success.

I am dedicated to empowering my clients by assisting them in uncovering and harnessing their innate healing abilities. By tapping into this source of power, they can lead a purposeful, mindful, and harmonious life. Through the powerful combination of Reiki and hypnosis, my clients are able to establish an intuitive connection and experience holistic healing.

Want more peace and confidence in your life? Ready to learn more about how easy mindfulness can create this life? Use the form below and schedule your free consultation call now!

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Procrastination is Good???

Procrastination is Good???

You heard me right…Procrastination is Good!

We have been told and taught that procrastination is bad.  You have most likely heard these famous quotes, ‘Never put off till tomorrow what can be done today’.  ‘You may delay but time will not’ and on and on

Here is one for us procrastinators: ‘Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time’ and ‘you can’t just turn on creativity like a faucet’.

Now you might be interested to know that there are two types of procrastination, Active and Passive. I sense your surprise. Would you like to learn more?

Active Procrastination is delaying working on the task while mentally mulling it over in your mind.  You have a task or project you need to work on maybe it daunting or difficult.  It’s on the daily list but you put it off; however, not completely.  You are mentally working on it. Allowing yourself time to sleep on it and think on it. This is Active Procrastination

Passive Procrastination is not acting or thinking on it and you find yourself wasting time instead of working on the task.

Active Procrastination is good and Passive Procrastination is bad

I will tell you that I find myself in both camps and until I began researching this, I thought all procrastination was bad.  I, now, know the truth and so do you.  I found this knowledge gave me relief and comfort to be me. To solve problems and complete tasks my way. I can be an active procrastinator and that is OKAY.

Here are some examples of good procrastination:

Sometimes procrastinating on a task really identifies if it is important to you.   IF it is really important to you, you would be you be all over it, getting it done, right?  Sure you would.  But if it isn’t really important then let’s just sit on it and see what happens. Take a day or two to assess the energy of the idea or task…let it marinate so to speak. In the mean time, think about how it can be accomplished or even improved upon. Speaking on improving the task….

Active Procrastination can allow you to become more creative

I really love using active procrastination for this and it has helped me to be more effective.  I love to think about and use creative sleep to form ideas and strategies to complete a daunting task.  It is amazing how creative the mind can be when we allow a difficult task to restfully sit for a day or two. 

Now you have made time and space to create new strategies and ideas to complete the task easier.  This leads to better decisions and successful completions.

So these are a few reasons why active procrastination is good, you might have a few of your own.

So what do we do about the bad procrastination?

If you find yourself on the couch looking at Social Media instead of working on the task, say HI!

Yup that is me when I am struggling with bad procrastination; sitting on the couch scrolling through Instagram. This would be a sign of bad procrastination. Funny thing is, I am not aware that I am procrastinating. Being aware of the procrastination action is very important to develop self-awareness.

First, to recognize the procrastination behavior and secondly, why?  What is it about THIS task that so distasteful or fearful?  I find that most bad procrastination is fear based.  There is something about the task that scares you.   The fear can be so subtle and familiar, it goes without recognition. 

Is it a fear of being judged?  I am not sure I can do this well so, if I mess it up, I will be embarrassed.  Solution, do some research on the task and make a decision.  Can I do this or should I ask for help.  Often at first glance, tasks seem harder than they really are.  After a little research, on, YouTube, for example, you will learn if the task is in your skill set or not. Now you have the information needed to make a decision.  And it is off the list.

Or the project is HUGE OMG, I need a month off to complete this task.

Is the task just to overwhelming to even think about?  And there I am scrolling on the couch.  The solution is to just break it down into smaller bites. Sounds easy doesn’t it? NO! I used to say no too. Now I ask myself, “what small thing could I do today that would help with this task”. I like mind maps.  

Mind Maps are relaxing, Just Saying…

An example of Mind Map: Last Christmas, Teri (my wife) tells me every bedroom will be occupied with kids and their spouses and a grandchild, so we need to get the house in order.  I found this to be Overwhelming.  This project had a lot of moving parts with closets being cleared and stuff needing to be taken to good will and garage needing to be organized to handle more stuff being moved from bedrooms and on and on.  It was a nightmare.  So I took a day and created a mind map.  I don’t work well with lists. I broke everything down into little tasks with dates.  And it all got done. Just having the mind map gave me relief. I wasn’t overwhelmed anymore. Instead, I was excited and focused to complete each task and cross it off.  By the way, at the top of the plan, I wrote “The Kuhns Family Christmas”. Some will get the reference.  Haha.  Yes, Christmas Vacation is one of my favorite Christmas movies.

In closing, there you have it, The Good and Bad of Procrastination. If there was an Ugly of Procrastination, it would be to continue scrolling on the couch.  Instead use this information, face the issue and make a decision. Self awareness is all you need to decide if it is Active Good or Passive bad.

Happy Active Procrastinating

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Five Steps to STOP the “What Ifs” and Increase your Power and Peace

Would you like to remain calm and empowered most of the time?  If you could stop stress, anxiety and the ‘what if’s’ with a few simple steps, would that be something you would be interested in?  Yes?  Then read on as I share my simple 5 steps to stop the ‘what if’s’.

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This technique, I am offering today, I use all the time.  It is a quick and easy method to reduce stress and anxiety and stop the ‘what ifs ‘anywhere and anytime. When you feel stress and anxiety regarding anything, it is basically a fear of some future event not turning out as you would like.  The ‘what if’ this happens and ‘what if’ that happens and so on.  (FEAR by the way is an acronym for ‘False Evidence Appearing Real’.  That is all fear really is.  When fear is faced, it is often exposed for what it really is, False Evidence Appearing Real)

The first step is to stop this feeling with a few deep abdominal breaths; breathing into the core or abdomen, filling it with air first.  Then, continue to slowly breath in, allowing the chest to rise as you continue to fill the lungs with air.  This is important.  This is the type of breathing that completely fills the lungs with air.  Repeat these deep abdomen breaths three to five times.  This type of deep abdomen breathing, signals the subconscious to turn off the ‘stress’ response and to turn on the ‘I am safe and happy’ response. 

Step two: Now that I have stopped the ‘stress’ state with my breaths, I ask myself, what is causing this feeling?  Is it real? What is the worst case scenario?  What is the likelihood of this really happening?  What is out of my control and what is in my control?  What can I do now?  These questions usually will cause the fear to dissipate.

Step three: Then ask yourself, what do you really want instead?  You have thought of the negative scenarios that you don’t want.  So, what do you want?  What is the desired outcome?  What does it look like, feel like, taste like, sound like.  Envision what you want. Like it is a picture or video with full color and sound, see what you see, hear what you hear and feel what you feel.   Now, how does that picture or video make you feel? Good, Right? Absorb that feeling into your body, wrap up in it.  Experience the outcome with your whole body. 

Step four: Now that you have your desired outcome with picture and sound, apply emotion to it.  The two strongest emotions are Love and Gratitude.  Fall in love with it and be grateful for your outcome as if you already have it.  Here is a little secret….your subconscious mind that controls habits, emotions, and behavior cannot tell the difference between reality and what is imagined.  Case in point, you feel stress when you imagine something bad happening don’t you?  It isn’t really happening right now, is it? Yet, your subconscious mind has set up your body ‘now’ in preparation for an imagined event.   So, when you are grateful for your outcome, before you actually receive it, your subconscious mind makes it happen for you. Why?  Because, when you are grateful for something, it must have already happened.   Be in LOVE with your new outcome.  Be Grateful for it.  Pretend it is your life NOW!

Step five: Now, play this new outcome every time the nasty past arises in your head.  When it arises, Say “STOP!  That isn’t me anymore.  This is me!” Then play your new life outcome and be sure to include all the emotions and BE GRATEFUL. 

Retrain your brain for success, for being empowered, calm and peaceful with the 5 Steps to Stop the What If’s

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5 Steps to Let Go and Thrive

Mindfulness Peace in Stillness

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5 Steps to Crush Your Goals

5 Steps to Crush Your Goals
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Theory of the Mind
why your willpower is so ineffective

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